Chapter 9

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POV Harry

Liam and Louis were already deep in a conversation when Niall, Zayn and Harry sat down next to them.

Harry thought about talking to Liam alone he knew everyone was going to be against him but he felt like he had to discuss this in front of Louis. He should se that he was ruining everything. That way Harry would know if they'd really replace him.

Harry gathered his courage and turned to talk to Liam.

"Liam why did you do it?" Harry asked slightly frustrated.

"I don't even know what you're talking about." Liam responded turning to Louis afterward.

Harry was angry. Nothing was going after Harry's plan. Why was everyone suddenly so interested in Louis. Did they all forget how he behaved towards Harry. They should support Harry as their friend and not turn on him.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You just hit Nick out of nowhere! And why? Because of Louis? Seriously? I'm already told you I feel uncomfortable around him. Not because of his looks or something but because he always insults me for something as simple as who I love. And what are you doing? You not only befriend him but also hit my boyfriend for him?" Harry expresses angry.

He hoped that his friends would finally acknowledge his feelings and support him. What Harry did not aspect was how Liam answered.

"You blame this on me?  Harry are you crazy? You know I wouldn't hit anyone without a reason. At least I hope you know that. Whow told you that bullshit? Nick?" Liam asked furiously.

Harry surprised by Liams outburst just nodded dumbly.

"Are you serious? You just insulted me for befriending someone you hate. Well let me tell you, you did the exact same thing. We were friends before you and Nick were even a thing. He is the one that always talks bad about me. And you don't even question what he tells you! You just believe him like some dumb dog." Liam continued. "You believe him when he tells you things that I would never do. You want to know the difference between me and you? I don't believe Louis when he says you're disgusting. Because I would always prioritize you. You on the other hand...."

"I don't believe him like some dumb dog! How dare you say that? You're just jealous because my relationship is healthy and you're not even in one." Harry replied.

He knew that he was being mean. Not only that, he was lying as well everyone at the table except Louis knew that Harry's and Nicks relationship wasn't at its peak at the moment but Louis didn't need to know that.

"Harry I hate to tell you like this but you're leaving me no choice. Harry, Nick is cheating on you." Liam said looking pitiful at Harry.

Bang! Harry's Brain was empty. Nick surely wouldn't would he? He wouldn't, would he? Harry was confused. He was always able to trust Liam but what if he was lying. It wouldn't surprise Harry after the last few days. He also couldn't believe him like that. What kind of boyfriend would he be?

"You're lying." Harry forced himself to answer.

"Why would I lie to you about this? Louis told me." Liam answered flabbergasted.

Louis told him. Of course he did. He would do everything to separate the gay pair.

"Of course he did." Harry answered flatly.

"What are you saying." Liam asked.

"He would never do this. I can't believe you're going this low just to break us apart." Harry stated.

"Then don't believe me. Me, your friend. But don't come running to me when you find out I was right. If you can't even believe me with something like this then our friendship is useless. Friendship is based on trust and you don't trust me." Liam explained angrily.

Harry was confused. Did he just quit being friend with Liam. How? Why? He didn't know. He looked to his right to see Niall, Zayn and Louis looking embarrassed to the floor.

"You can go now." Liam replied flatly.

Harry could feel tears form in his eyes. He couldn't do this right now. He needed to leave. Now!

Harry didn't want to make more of a scene than they already had done so he quickly went over to Nick and Stan's table and sat at their table.

"Hey babe what happened there?" Nick questioned slinging his arm around Harry's shoulders.

"I confronted Liam, but instead of apologizing to you he accused you of cheating on me." Harry aid getting worked up again.

"That's just ridiculous!" Nick said.

"Yeah why would Nick cheat on you?" Stan said with a slight grin.

The grin on Stan's face made Harry feel uneasy but he trusted Nick. Nick would never do anything bad to him.

Nick glared at Stan and then turned to look at Harry. "Babe why don't you go to our room so you can calm down and I'll follow when I finished eating. Alright?" Nick asked and Harry just nodded.

Too much has happened to him today, he needed to clear his head. So he didn't go to his room he went to the music hall a grabbed a guitar.

He took out his notebook he got gifted from his mother to his eighteen birthday.

It wasn't expensive but it meant a lot to Harry. His actual birthday present was for him to attend this private school. The school costs a lot of money and Harry is so grateful that his parents work so hard so he can attend his dream school. His family wasn't really poor but compared to everyone else at the school he was.

He looked at his old page, the page he wrote in his first music lesson back when he was still friends with Liam, Niall and Zayn now Louis has taken it all from him. Home it said. He didn't feel like home here anymore.

Nick was acting strange and his friends that became his home when he was gone from home weren't his friends anymore.

He needed love. Harry thought Nick was going to give it to him but he didn't even trust him anymore. He never cuddled with Harry and they never really talked.

He felt Nick distancing himself and he didn't know how he could prevent it.

Maybe he just wasn't good enough. He needed to do better. He needed to stop, go to his room and wait for Nick. Who was Harry kidding, Nick would never come.

Harry often layed awake waiting for Nick to come but he never did. Never is an exaggeration but he did it rarely. He always slept in Stan's room.

'Nick is cheating on you' the words replaying in his head mocking him. Was Liam right? No! He couldn't let Liam get to his head.

Harry snapped out of his thoughts and realized his new page was wet from his tears. Harry hadn't even realized that he started crying.

He was done for today he should go to his bed and forget about the day. He tried to stand up but he couldn't, he kept staring at the wall in front of him thinking how he wasn't good enough.

Maybe if he was good enough someone would want to stay with him, someone would want to love him but he wasn't.

Harry layed down on the floor and closed his eyes too tired to go to his room.


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