Chapter 10

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When Harry stormed to Nicks table there was a thick tension at the table. Louis didn't know much about friends but he knew that Harry was an important part of this friend group, something like a glue, that's why this seemed so wrong. Not that Louis knew how it normally was. Every time he was present Harry was in a bad mood.

He analysed Zayn face expressions, he was good at that, he had to be in order to know when it would be best to approach his father. Zayn looked torn between going after Harry or supporting Liam. Liam gave him an apologetic look but Zayn just shook his head. As if he wanted to tell Liam he did the right thing and Niall, he just ate his food not wanting to be a part of whatever was going on.

Louis disliked Harry for many reasons. He was disgusting. He was strongly biased. And he always did everything so effortless. The way his Hair fell made Louis feel sick how could it always fall so perfectly? It wasn't fair Harry won the Lottery of genetics. Louis knew it was his jealousy speaking. If he looked and acted like Harry, apart from dating... men, his father would be proud and wouldn't have to punish him.
Still Louis didn't want to take Harrys friends away. He knew he didn't deserve them. Sooner or later they would find out themselves.
Then Louis heard someone leave the hall early. He didn't even need to look to know that it was Harry. Zayn's expression said everything.

It seemed like Zayn wanted to talk to Liam and discuss what they wanted to do about the situation with Harry so Louis quickly excused himself. Louis knew he wasn't apart of their friend group so it doesn't concern him but it was nice to pretend.

He realised that Liam is just a really good guy. Loyal and would do just about anything for someone he likes. Zayn is always good if you need someone to just listen to you. And Niall will always make you smile.

Louis couldn't help but be jealous of Harry.

When he walked down the corridor he saw the door leading to the music room slightly open. That means someone was practicing. Louis was really curious, who he would find so he couldn't help but look inside.

What he saw broke his heart. He saw Harry sitting on the floor in his right hand and scrambled peace of paper the other hand fisted hid hair. The sobs that came out of Harry's mouth were pleading.

For the first time Louis saw himself in Harry. He wanted to go over to Harry and dry his tears but he knew he would just worsen everything. Harry hates Louis and Louis hates Harry. He needs to keep his distance.

Louis left the music room and went in his bedroom. Liam wasn't there yet, probably still talking to Zayn . So it was the perfect time for Louis to look into after school activities. His father had already signed him up for track but maybe he could do something different secretly.

Louis decided if Liam wasn't going to come he could use his time to look over the stuff that he missed today. Considering Louis was homeschooled before and had the best teacher only for himself, he already knew all the stuff they were doing.

So he finally decided to call his sisters. He should've done that the day he'd arrived but he just couldn't bring himself to call. If he told them how the last few days went they would be disappointed. He left them so he could make friends and be a bit freer.

In reality he didn't make friends. Liam was just hanging around for pity and now to prove a point to Harry and  same with the rest. He wasn't freer either, the moment he did something wrong his father would come and punish him for what he did. So it was exactly the same as at home, only that he had his sisters and Hernandez. Here he had no one.

He tipped on Lotties contact and called her.

"Hey Louis, it took you long enough to call. How is the school? Have you made friends? How is it living with a roommate?" Lottie immediately asked when she answered.

"Whoa whoa whoa, Lottie calm down." Louis laughed. He wasn't sure if he should tell Lottie the truth. He didn't want to disappoint her as well.

"Yeah school is great and so is my roommate. His name is Liam and we hit it off immediately. He introduced me to his friend group so I have a lot of friends here now." Louis lied.

"Aw I want to go to the school as well. I only have online friends." She said sadly.

"Hey you will. Now tell me has anything happened since I drove here?" Louis asked concerned.

"No dad wasn't even home yet. I promise to call you when he does." Lottie explained.

Louis was angry how did Louis father always have time to punish him but never enough to stay with his four daughters? It wasn't fair.

Louis and Lottie talked for two hours at the end the other girls came at the phone as well and Louis said good night to all of them. Liam finally returned and they both just watched Spider-Man while talking about the next day. When Liam fell asleep Louis just had to know how Harry was doing had he gone to bed or was he still there?

Not like Louis cared. He would only care for girls but he was curious.

He walked down the corridor to the music room and looked through the door. He saw how Harry layed curled up on the floor. After considering what to do he went inside and grabbed blankets that were lauded under the benches to warm the students in winter. He also searched for a pillow but without any luck. So he curled up another blanked, slightly raised Harry's head and layer it underneath. Harry looked majestic with the dried tears on his cheeks the plump bitten lips that if Louis was honest were girls lips.

That's why he was so intrigued by Harry he had girly features. Like his plump  lips, his long hair, his beautiful eyes.

A shame Harry was a dick (pun intended) otherwise they'd be friends for sure.

Louis wasn't sure what to do now. He couldn't leave Harry like this could he? He didn't want any trouble so he decided to just leave Harry and quietly run to his room.

Luckily no teacher had noticed Louis. So he went to bed, hoping for a good day tomorrow.

Will be continued!

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