Chapter 5

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POV Louis

The next morning Louis woke up from Liams alarm. When he looked around Liam was already in the bathroom washing his face.

"Hay mate slept alright?" Liam asked.

Surprisingly Louis really did sleep and long it was now 7:00am and louis slept since yesterday 17:00pm wich we're about fourteen hours of sleep.

"Yeah thanks Liam. How was your sleep." Louis asked politely.

"Yeah alright. Way too short though." Liam said yawning.

Suddenly Louis stomach let out a loud grumble and he was embarrassed.

"Oh are you that hungry?" Liams acknowledged laughing.

"It's alright." Louis said dismissive but actually it wasn't alright.
Louis hadn't eaten since the breakfast he had before he arrived here. It's not like he did it on purpose it was just everything that happened to him since he'd arrived here.

Not that Louis was worried though a few days without food would probably be good for him. It's what everyone told him. Maybe then he'd get rid of his tummy and his stupid fat bum.

"I was thinking that we could sit with Niall, Zayn and Harry?" Liam asked after he had dried his face with his towel.

Louis got up from his bed to get ready as well. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea to sit with Liams friends. It was hard enough to talk with Liam without accidentally saying something that would upset him. How was Louis going to manage his whole friend group. On the other hand Louis didn't really have a choice, if he wouldn't eat with them he would have to eat alone. That would be so much worse for his reputation so he agreed.

"Yeah I'd love to get to know them." He said exited. Louis wasn't really excited though he just knew how to fake his feelings so other people were pleased with him.

"But I have to warn you. Some of them will not be happy to see you after the whole Nick drama yesterday." Liam explained in a warning tone.

Louis froze shit did Stan tell everyone what happened yesterday or even worse did Nick? Did they make fun of him for crying? Louis mentally slapped himself they probably told everyone what a crybaby he was. Shit, that probably was the reason why Liams friend group wasn't fond of him.

"It's okay Liam if they don't want me to sit with them I can sit somewhere else." Louis said dismissive.

"No Louis stop. I discussed this with them and I promised you I'll show you around. Come on if you'll behave everything will go well. Just please don't say anything homophobic." Liam stated.

Louis nodded it was not like he agreed with their lifestyle but he would just ignore it this time.

When Louis looked into the mirror he sighed his hair was so messy and he was scared to take of his sunglasses. He couldn't even open his right eye. Louis quickly closed the bathroom door and told Liam he would be ready in ten minutes.

After Louis contemplated for thirty seconds he decided to just do it. When he took them off Louis was discussted by himself. His eye was a dark purple and dark blue with yellow and orange on the edges.

Well that meant he had to wear his sunglasses a bit longer. He got out his bruise kit and applied a cream that is supposed to help by swelling.

He quickly washed his hair and covered the other bruises with his concealer. After that he putt his sunglasses on and got dressed in his new suit. It wasn't anything special it was a plain dark blue suit but Louis thought it suited him quite well.

"Are you coming Louis?" Liam asked.

"Yeah I'm ready." Louis exclaimed while coming out of the bathroom.

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