Chapter 6

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POV Harry

When Harry and Nick walked in they saw that their lesson had started already. Harry wasn't too worried though because he was Mr. Corden's favorite Student. Harry turned around when he felt Nick tapping his shoulder.

"Hey babe, there aren't any seats left next to each other because I don't want to sit next to Mr. Imhomophoicandsomuchbetterthanyou. Sorry Baby I know you don't like him either but you get it right?" Nick asked.

And of course he did. He didn't want Nick to sit next to the guy that forced himself onto Nick either. It was just a shame that he had to sit next to him now. When Harry went to sit down he looked at Louis and scoffed. This boy really couldn't go anywhere without his stupid sunglasses.

"You know the sun isn't shining in here?" Harry questioned him.

But Louis surprisingly didn't answer. He could see a frown form on Louis lips and that made Harry smile.
Harry wasn't normally like this. He usually was nice to everyone and gave everyone too many chances he was told but since Louis forced himself onto Nick he deserved it.

Louis. Louis. Louis. Apparently the only topic his mind was interested in until he felt a small hand on his arm. When he refocused on what was happening the whole class stared at him and even Mr. Corden didn't seem too happy with him.

"Sorry I zoomed out sir. What was the question?" Harry asked shaking Louis hand off of him.

"It's okay Harry. Just pay attention from now on." Harry nodded. "As I was saying. This time I will choose  partners for the duets." Mr. Corden explained.

Harry gulped, why couldn't Mr. Corden let them choose by their selves? Harry wasn't stressed though because he still was Mr. Corden favorite student and hoped he would pair him up with Niall or Nick.

"Okay I will start with Niall Horan. Your Partner will be Shawn Mendes. Next up we have Perrie Edward's; you will be paired up with Ashton Irwin. Then we have Harry Styles." Mr. Corden announced.

No! Niall already got a partner. Hopefully he and Nick will get paired up Harry thought.

"Your partner is Louis Tomlinson." Everyone in the room looked shocked and the gossiping immediately started. Harry didn't know if it was because they overheard their argument in the dining hall or if they always react that way if Louis is mentioned but the whole thing didn't make Harry's mood any better.

It was just Harry's luck to be paired up with Louis Tomlinson.  He looked in Nick direction to see he was paired up with Stan. Why was everyone but him so lucky?

When Mr. Corden was finished Harry saw how Louis turned around to him and no; Harry couldn't have that. He wouldn't let Louis ruin his favorite subject for him.

"So... where do you-" Louis asked.

Before Louis could finish his sentence, Harry stood up on his way to talk to Mr. Corden and beg him to let him change partners.

In the corner of his eyes he saw how Louis body curled into himself slightly and the frown on his face deepened. Harry felt slightly bad for ignoring Louis but on the other hand Louis didn't deserve anything different. He was just an ignorant, homophobic snob.

"Mr. Cordon, could you please reconsider your pairing?" Harry asked Mr. Corden pleading.

"Why is there a problem either Louis? Did he do something again?" Mr. Corden asked worried.

"No, he didn't but that doesn't mean he won't do something. I just don't want to risk it." Harry explained.

"Well Harry I would love to help you but I already paired everyone with someone and if I had to separate you I would have to separate someone else as well, wich wouldn't be fair towards them, would it?" Mr. Corden answered.

"I guess not." Harry answered frustrated "but is there nothing else you can do?" Harry pleaded.

"Unfortunately not at the moment. How about you try to work with Louis first. If there are huge complications you can come to me again and we'll find a solution."

Harry didn't want to make a scene but the whole situation was just so unfair. He dealt his whole life with homophobia. Now he was finally accepted by everyone in school and nobody cared anymore about his sexuality until Louis freaking Tomlinson changed to this school and decided to be a homophobic peace of shit.

Harry sat down next to Louis again. When he looked to Louis he saw that the boy was apparently waiting for Harry to start a conversation. This boy was just so weird. Harry didn't care though because he would definitely not start a conversation with Louis.

"So I saw you tried to change partners." Louis said.

"Yeah but apparently no one wants to be your duet partner so I'm stuck with you now." Harry answered annoyed.

"You know what you don't need to be an asshole. I don't want to be your partner either. I think you're disgusting and I really don't want anything to do with you but do you see me going to Mr. Corden and complain about it? No, you know why? Because I'm not a pussy like you are." Louis snickered.

"How dare you call me that." Harry argued.

"Oh what would you prefer otherwise? Fag?" Louis laughed.

Harry was too stunned to speak. Did Louis really just say that. His blood began to boil but he needed to calm down otherwise he'll hit Louis any minute and Harry really isn't the guy for physical fights.

He looked around to see if anyone else heard Louis but of course no one heard Louis.

"What did you just say?" Harry growled.

"I asked if you prefer to be called fag." Louis answered looking really confident. Too confident for Harry's liking.

"Honestly Louis I don't think you have any right to insult me. You think you are better than me? Do you honestly think that? Well let me tell you, you're not. Being homophobic doesn't make you cool. It just makes you look like a shit person. But I guess that is what you're going for right? Well let me tell you, you accomplish your job! Well done. Your should be ashamed of your self for talking that way. Has your mother never taught you manners " Harry said and ups he shouldn't have said the last part.

Harry mentally slapped himself. Before he could apologize to Louis though he had already left the music room.

Harry didn't know what to do. He definitely wasn't going to apologize. But he had to otherwise they would be failing this class. There was no way he was going to fail his favorite subject so Harry decided he was just going to ask Liam later for Louis number. Then he would message him apologize quickly and make a plan with him to meet up for their duet.

Now that Harry was alone for the lesson he started with his solo.

He was the type to just write what he was feeling. He wrote some lines and then scratched them again. Finally Harry had two lines that he liked.

When you're lost, I'll find the way
And I'll be your light.

It wasn't much but it was a start. When the lesson was finally over he messaged Liam to check up on Louis. He still didn't like him but Harry still felt guilty for mentioning his dead mother.



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