Chapter 4

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POV Harry

Harry sat in the bus back to school next to Liam. Harry noticed how Nick didn't attend this trip. Shit Harry thought he forgot to tell Nick. He knew Nick couldn't have known because he didn't attend dinner either. Wow he really was the worst boyfriend ever.

"You alright h?" Liam asked with a concerned expression.

"Yeah I just noticed that I forgot to tell Nick about the trouble and he's probably being punished right now because I'm such a shitty boyfriend." Harry sighed he felt really guilty. How could he forget Nick so easily.

"Hey h, you know it's not your fault. Nick is an adult and you are not his father or something like this you're his partner. That doesn't mean It is your fault that he missed the trip. He could've easily found out if he went to dinner yesterday." Liam explained.

Harry nodded Liam was right and nothing probably even happened.

"I feel guilty as well though." Liam admitted.

"Why because of Nick?" Harry asked confused.

"No I just noticed that Louis isn't here and like I know I told you that I don't like him but I didn't really give him a chance you know?" Liam said looking embarrassed.

"Hey like you said he's old enough to look out for himself." Harry answered.

"Yeah well that's the problem. He really couldn't. Simon trusted me. I was supposed to show him around and help him adjust. I don't know if I told you but our families used to be close business partners and I don't know anything about him but I know that he's been through a lot. I just think even if he said something homophobic I shouldn't have left him on his own." Liam explained.

Well Harry didn't really know what he should respond to that. Just because he's been through a lot, doesn't mean it excuses homophobia. Maybe Harry could also give him a chance considering they haven't even talked jet.

"I think you should just apologise what is the worst thing that could've happen to him when we were gone? He probably just got detention like Nick." Harry said reassuringly.

"Yeah probably" Liam said.

"Hey guys what are you talking about?" Niall asked exited.

"Nothing important." Liam answered

"We get our classes today right?" Harry asked.

"Yeah I think we should. Do you think we'll have more classes together?" Zayn said hopefully.

"I hope so but honestly we don't really have similar classes." Liam answered.

"Hopefully though!" Niall said.

30 minutes time skip

When they arrived back at school Harry saw how mr Corden was looking for someone in the crowd. Mr Corden was the only teacher that stayed back in school which made Harry sad because mr Corden was his absolute favourite teacher. Suddenly mr Corden looked in Harry's direction and quickly moved towards him.

"Hey Harry. I don't want you to panic or something but Nick is with the nurse right now. Apparently he got into a fight." Mr Corden said out of breath.

"Oh thanks for the notice mr Corden is it okay if I go check on him?"Harry asked

"Yeah of course. Don't worry though nothing is broken." Mr Corden explained trying to calm Harry down.

Harry was panicking though what if Nick was mad at him for not telling him about the trip. Was the fight Harry's fault? If Harry would think rationally he'd know that it wasn't his fault and it wasn't like he didn't tell Nick on purpose, but Harry couldn't think rationally, he was panicking and hoping Nick was okay.

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