Lost in The Woods?!

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"I just wanted some new pens," Andrew whined, fixing his slipper back onto his foot. "I just had to go outside and get some and not order them online like a damn sane person!"

The middle of the woods. How could he end up lost in a forest? He wasn't even sure where the nearest group of trees to his house was, and yet he had woken up lying in the dirt, surrounded by the things.

He stood up and shook his arms at his side, trying to clear the fog that had clouded his mind. The last thing he remembered was seeing some piece of junk in front of the office supply store and thinking how weird it was for garbage to be glowing. He must have picked it up and got mugged while distracted. At least, that seemed like the most logical thing to have happened. Not much else would explain why he had gone unconscious and ended up so far from home, his phone and wallet nowhere in sight. It had been dark when he left, too, but the sun overhead told him that plenty of time had passed, so surely he got knocked out.

While he knew that walking around aimlessly in the woods wasn't the best idea, Andrew didn't have any other plan. So, he started forward, simply going in the direction he had been facing when he got up.

Surprisingly, his head didn't hurt, though he couldn't help but rub the back of it while he walked. Something had to have hit him. Or maybe they had used some sort of chemical? If they did, it would have had to be on the thing he picked up. Which was...

Andrew couldn't remember what he had seen. All he knew was that it had been glowing and... Calling to him? That didn't sound right. Garbage couldn't talk, that would be ridiculous. And yet, the more he tried to think about it, the more he had been sure that he heard someone say his name. The person who took his things must have somehow known who he was, possibly an angry target of one of his articles. That was one of the few logical things that could have happened.

"Hey, can you watch where you're walking? You're stepping on my garden!"

Andrew jumped, stumbling back and tripping before falling right onto his ass. "Wha-? Who said that?" A garden? In the woods? He had never heard of such a thing, and when he looked at the ground, he didn't see anything that looked like one.

"Look what you did! My rock garden is a mess!"

"Rock garden?" Andrew's gaze snapped around from tree to tree, trying to find the source of the angry person. "Look, even though I don't get how I could mess up a pile of rocks, I'm sorry I managed to. I'd love to see your face and figure out where I am." He stood up and wiped his pants free of dirt, still searching for the person he had upset.

The person scoffed. "You tall things never look anywhere but eye level! I'm down here, you oaf!"

"Down where?" Andrew threw his hands up and looked down at his feet. "I only see dirt and pebbles!"

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me! I'm right here!"

A tiny rock flew into Andrew's shoe, and when he looked in the direction it came from, he saw what looked to be a tiny green plant sitting on the root of a tree. It had an oval leaf for a head and long, vine legs that were crossed, like how he would sometimes sit in his office chair at home. When it moved, he jumped back with a sound of disgust and readied himself to swat it away if he had to.

"Look, I can tell you how to get to town, but you have to take your weird shoes out of my garden. And, since you're big enough, if you could bring me that big orange stone a few feet away, that'd be much appreciated!" The little plant hopped off the root, pointing its leaf hand to the left. "If you could set it just in front of me, I can handle the rest. Hauling it over will be just too much of a chore for my small self, y'know?"

Andrew stared at the plant for a few seconds. Then rubbed his eyes and stared again, that time for a few moments longer. Black, beady eyes were looking right back at him, even blinking every so often.

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