Talking With the Dragon Queen?!

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No one spoke during the early morning walk back to the castle. Everyone dragged their feet, exhaustion making for a much slower trip than it should have been. Still, they managed to make it to the edge of the city, where they were met with concerned civilians who sprang into action to help those who needed it.

Andrew stayed right by Elias' side, allowing the prince to lean on him. When he woke up, he noticed Elias had grown pale, and that he didn't do any sort of speech before they moved on. He simply told them it was time to go, and everyone followed.

"Y-your majesty, please, allow us to help you to the castle." A lanky man with long, curly hair stumbled his way through the crowd. He wore one of the same uniforms Andrew had seen people have on in the castle, a burgundy shirt under a chain mail with a thick, leather belt around the waist. "We sent someone to inform your mother-"

"I can make the trip myself," Elias huffed. "Thank you, for the offer, though." He grabbed Andrew's hand, tugging him forward. "All of your efforts should be spent helping the survivors. I want them seen by doctors, fed, clothed, and housed by the end of the day."

The guard nodded quickly but didn't move right away. "We will see to that. But... Your majesty, you look... Are you sure you two alone can make the walk?"

Elias' face scrunched up, and he gave a low growl. "They need to be taken care of first."

Andrew placed his hand on the prince's chest. "Hey, I know you're tired, hurt, and want to make sure everyone is taken care of, but yikes, man. You need help, too. C'mon, let them help us to the castle. There's no point in letting yourself slowly bleed out while we walk."

"Fine," Elias grumbled. "But I stand by what I said. These people had better get the help they need as fast as possible."

"They're getting the help they need, so let's get you home, Huffy the Angry Dragon." Andrew chuckled at his joke, not missing the confusion and anger on Elias' face.

There was no way he got even a wink of sleep, and neither of them had eaten for a while, so he probably needed breakfast and a nap before he would humor his jokes. Andrew, though, had become used to not eating or sleeping for a while, thanks to getting lost for hours online or working. In fact, the delirium sometimes put him in a better mood.

Several more guards came to help, and soon they had Elias and Andrew packed into a carriage heading to the castle. Elias stayed quiet, nearly falling asleep the second he got comfortable in his seat. His wound had bled through the haphazard bandages, and the more Andrew looked at him, the more he was glad that Elias wasn't some normal guy. A gash that big would have killed anyone else.

Loud, vicious roaring could be heard before the castle came into view. Andrew could only assume the queen had heard that her son was about to be delivered to her, hurt, bleeding, and upset. Andrew had never put himself in the position of a parent until then, and the more he thought about the anger she must have been feeling, the more he feared facing the large woman.

The carriage came to a slow stop, the door nearly being ripped off its hinges as Amerilla opened it to get to Elias.

"Elias, oh, you look awful." Her voice softened as she reached in to grab him, carefully pulling the prince out and cradling him.

Andrew could see her watery eyes and wet cheeks, so he stayed silent as he scooted out of his seat, not wanting to upset the woman who could easily hold the large prince as if he didn't weigh a thing.

"Mother, please, I feel fine. I just need rest and-"

"Nonsense, the doctor is here and is going to look you over. You're not going to slip away to your room until she says that you're alright." The queen pressed a kiss to Elias' forehead, earning a loud groan from him.

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