Recovering With the Prince?!

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"There's just... Nothing left here for us." One of the few remaining people had come to sit next to Elias and Andrew on the ground, helping wrap the prince's wound in whatever they could find.

Elias had refused to be helped until all the other injured people were found and tended to, but thankfully they all managed to wrap their wounds quickly, claiming that Elias' safety and well-being had to come first. Out of all the survivors, he had been the one with the worst physical injury, and yet he still fought them on using what little resources they had on themselves before him.

"I would never expect you to stay," Elias huffed, moving his arm slightly higher above his head, giving the person more room to work. His shirt had been gone since he made himself human again, and Andrew could only assume turning into a massive dragon tore it to shreds. "You and the others are welcome to come to the main city. The royal family will see to it that you are housed and properly taken care of. This... This never should have happened in the first place."

Andrew watched as the guy he hadn't caught the name of finished wrapping Elias' torso, the last of the bandages they had been sent with covering it up just enough to keep the wound from being exposed to the elements. He grimaced at the already bloody bandage before turning his head away. "We need to get everyone out of here sooner rather than later. As much fun as that little power trip I had was, I don't think I have the energy to deal with him again if he comes back."

Using the magic at the moment had been exhilarating and for the brief time he got to swing that sword around like an invincible superhero, Andrew thought he could do anything and everything. But after sitting for a while, with the armor still weighing him down, Andrew could tell that it had zapped a lot of his energy and he would have to get a proper meal and about a week's worth of sleep before he could do anything close to all that again.

"I fear I'm in the same position." Elias quietly thanked the man helping him and then stood, looking over the fifteen or so other people who had managed to make it out of the burning buildings. "People of Aldoun, I know you are tired and weak, and the idea of making the trek back to the city sounds like an impossible task after everything you've just lost. But I will take every step with you, and assure your safety. And then, when we make it there, I will not rest until you are taken care of."

A few people offered hopeful smiles, but that seemed to be about as much of a response as Elias was going to get from them.

"We'll wait until we're much further into the woods before we set up camp. It's not ideal, but these people won't be able to make the journey all in one go." Elias looked back at the burnt village. "I'm sorry, Andrew, but finding a way to get you home will have to wait for a little while longer. I promise I will get back to it as soon as possible, but this needs to be my main focus right now. It's my fault this happened, I- I could have..." The prince's eyes glossed over as he stared at the piles of ashes. "I should have been better," he finished softly, almost too quietly for Andrew to hear.

Andrew stood up as well, not surprised that the person helping Elias had gone off to assist others and leave them to talk. "You didn't know this was going to happen, so it's not like you could have done anything different. And I know that maybe sounds like a pessimistic way of looking at it, but it's just the truth, and accepting that might make it easier." Carefully, Andrew placed his hand on Elias' shoulder. The prince's usual warmth had turned up tenfold. "Whatever was going on in that dude's head doesn't seem like it's something that could have been fixed by your help anyway."

Elias gave a tired smile and patted Andrew's hand. "Thank you, Andrew. For your help and your understanding."

"Sure, man. I mean, we still definitely need to talk about some of the stuff he said, but I think the focus right now should be making it out of here. Let's get everyone together and get heading out."

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