Fighting For the Dragon Prince?!

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"What do I do, what do I do?" Andrew chanted to himself, trying to shake the stiffness from his limbs. Fighting sounded like a lot of work, and it wasn't like he knew how to anyway. He was pretty sure if he threw a punch, he'd hurt his hand. And what was there to punch? The cloud?

Andrew shook his head. Part of him still didn't want to think any of it was real, and that there was no reason to worry. Would he be interrupting the elaborate performance Elias was putting on, or would he actually be helping the other? Seeing him turn into a dragon couldn't be explained away easily, but what else was he supposed to think? That he had for real been somehow thrown into some other world? That only happened in movies and shows, ones that he never even cared to watch.

A massive burst of fire rose from the smoke, creating a wave of heat that nearly knocked Andrew down. He flinched back and waited for it to pass before opening his eyes again, only to see that Elias had emerged from the flames.

The prince roared and clawed at the cloud, but it only brought laughter from the strange, loud voice.

"I told you, Elias, you can't hit me! I'm superior in this place and there's nothing you can do about it!"

"You're a coward!" Elias' voice had become much deeper and echoed as the mystery being's did. "These people had no defense, and they did nothing to you! Only a coward would do something like this!"

The dark cloud solidified and again the glowing eyes appeared. No pupils could be seen, but there were black cracks around the edges that allowed Andrew to get an idea of where they were looking.

"You dare call me a coward? Looks like the pot is calling the kettle black. When's the last time you acted like an actual prince, huh? You've been too scared to do a damn thing in this place since I showed up because you're nothing but a sad, weak, coward-"

Elias opened his mouth and even more fire came pouring out of it, silencing whatever was hiding in the smoke.

"Holy shit, he blows fire," Andrew said with a shaky laugh. "And this cloud of fire and eyeballs is talking, and- Oh, man. I don't- I don't like this." He covered his face with his hands and took in a slow breath. Freaking out wasn't going to help anything. Standing there wasn't going to either.

Elias and whatever was speaking to him had started fighting again, though that time Andrew could see the sluggish way the prince's wings flapped. Fighting had to be exhausting, and the angry cloud looked to be hitting him with some strange red smoke. Elias took every hit as if it were nothing, however, even from where Andrew stood, he could tell that they were anything but.

Andrew looked around for something he could use to distract the eyes. Rocks, dirt, and ash were the only things he could grab in a hurry. Those wouldn't do, though. Maybe a rock could be thrown, but he doubted the massive fog monster would care about something so small passing through it.

Another pained roar came from Elias, and that time the prince crashed into the ground after taking a hit. Dirt and rocks flew up around him, filling the already hard-to-breathe air with even more debris. Elias laid motionless, silence falling over the area.

"I... I can't help," Andrew sighed. "I wish I could help, but I can't. This is so- Fuck, it's so over my head." He stepped back, ready to turn and run behind the trees and hide like the others. The sound of heavy breathing and grunting stopped Andrew from turning away just yet. Elias was getting up.

Blood poured from his side, coating the ashen ground in a thick pool of crimson. The prince stumbled and flapped his wings in an attempt to fly again, only to fall again.

"You can't win, Elias. I'm going to take what I can from this world and make it back to mine, whether you like it or not." The mass of smoke crawled closer to Elias as it spoke. "I'll rip this place to shreds if that's what it takes to get the magic I need to get home."

[BOYXBOY] Dragon Prince Steals My Heart In Another World?!Where stories live. Discover now