Sleepless in The Prince's Castle?!

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Elias didn't stick around long after he came back into the hall. He showed Andrew to a spare room, then excused himself. There were more promises to get him answers as soon as possible, but other than that, he didn't say much. Maybe he could sense Andrew's bad mood and knew that if he stuck around, he might get yelled at.

Being left alone in a large, fancy room did help. It had one of the most comfortable beds he had ever laid on, and the tall posts held up a sheer fabric that had golden specs, almost like stars, which he liked to look at. The rest of the room didn't have much interesting in it, though it was just a spare room for guests. Andrew wondered for a moment what the prince's room might look like.

The thought left his mind almost as quickly as it came, Andrew not wanting to dwell on anything in the castle. Home had to be the only goal, or he'd get distracted and end up taking too long to get there.

Though, he was stuck there. At least until he could figure out how to get home, anyway. So, at the very least, Andrew allowed himself a nap. He needed it after his long walk then sprint into the kingdom, and his body agreed, falling asleep the second he closed his eyes.

Strange dreams drifted in and out of his head, some of his home and some of the few things he had seen in the Aldoun. At one point, he imagined Elias sitting at his dining room table, tapping his finger on the table and humming a tune. When he tried to talk to the prince, he only got a smile in return. It frustrated him enough to wake up, but waking up only made his mood worse.

Still not home.

Sleep did help his aching body, but he didn't feel any less crabby. Andrew sat up, stuffing his feet back into his slippers. As much as he liked the comfortable clothes he came in, it wouldn't be a bad idea to ask for some new shoes, and maybe some proper pants. Also, a bath. Running got him all sweaty, and sleeping in a warm bed only made that worse.

Andrew licked his lips, realizing that a toothbrush wouldn't be so bad either. Some food might also make him more comfortable, though when he looked at the window, he realized he had woken up in the middle of the night.

Surely the rich guy kept a massive kitchen stocked to the brim with food. And he did tell Andrew that he could make himself at home when he left him in the room.

More walking wasn't ideal, but Andrew didn't know what else to do with himself, and if he didn't eat even just a snack, then he'd be miserable to deal with. So, he dragged his feet out of his temporary room, looking down the hall both ways.

Not a soul in sight. Andrew let out a sigh of relief, tiptoeing away from his door. He stopped at the next room, debating on knocking. Elias said that was his room, and that he gave him a space so close to his in case Andrew needed something. Food was enough of a need to knock and wake him up. At least, to him, it was.

Andrew knocked softly then waited. And waited some more. After a while, he gave a slightly harder knock, figuring that he would have to be loud enough to wake the prince up.

When no one answered even still, he huffed and threw his hands up.

"Fine, I'll go find the kitchen myself." Andrew stomped off, navigating the halls with nothing but determination to find a snack.

Door after door, hall after hall, Andrew marched through them all until he was tired all over again. Why would someone build a house so big and not put any signs around to tell people where to go? Did all of them just somehow know the place by heart? There was no way.

"I just want to find the kitchen," he groaned. Andrew stopped and leaned against a wall, covering his face with his hands. "I should have knocked harder on that damn door. It's Elias' fault for not breaking character and telling me how to get home, he should wake up and feed me at least."

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