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Hey! Have you ever wanted to know what the worst day ever feels like? You see it starts with your clothes magically disappearing and well it kind of ends with your math substitute shooting arrows at your face. By the way, this normally does not happen!

My Apologies, I didn't mean to vent... Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, the name is Starlight Solace or as my dad calls me 'Starli'. I might seem like your typical pretty freshman popular girl. Though I might have to say I'm not normal... I get kicked out of schools and fail some of my classes, the first time I got kicked out of school some girl threaten to cut my hair with scissors and then I told her and her buddies to eat dirt. I didn't expect them to do it! So their mommies called the school and had me expelled. I didn't have a mom... my dad told me she was beautiful and how I got my looks from her, but then I did have a step-mom but she... . Oh where was I? Right worst day.

During my Algebra 1 period, the teacher hasn't been there for awhile so we had a substitute, his name was Mr. Hippie. Now, imagine your substitute said that with a straight face, so when he did that I could only imagine him hugging a tree so naturally I laughed at this thought and he looked directly at me and I thought he was gonna scold me but no he turned to me.

"It appears we have a comedian on our hands. Now Ms. Solace, Would you laugh when being sent to ISS?"

So, I'm now in ISS, for laughing at his name, but that's not the worst part. Today's the day where discuss the candidates for school formals, and luckily for me I was going to be the announcer and speaker but unfortunately this morning I woke up with a huge knot in my hair, it spent me one hour to get it somewhere decent enough but that didn't work, so now I'm wearing a hooded jacket. Then my clothes somehow decided to magically disappear, I look into my closet this morning and saw nothing, so instead of wearing an aesthetically pleasing outfit, I'm forced to wear my pajamas.

'Just one more minute' I thought to myself. Once the bell rang I got my stuff and bolted to the auditorium, but on my way I accidently bumped into someone. "Ah! I'm so sorry- oh." I realized I bumped into Mr. Hippie. He snarled at me and scoffed. 'Watch it or else.' He then moved away to the class he was with. I was completely sure I just got threatened but I had no time to stand there and wonder what he meant. Once I arrived , a girl was there tall like a giant but she was the nicest person ever.

Willow Newland, one of my closet friends...well my only friend. I will admit she was really tall, stand her next to an oak tree and I'll be confused. She always wore a long dress and a hat (she was allowed to wear a hat because of special circumstances), I've always wondered though 'does she have any pants?' Anyways, she was apart of the environmental group for forest preservation and theater class but only for make-up and costumes. She's always been here for me and she never really cared for people's looks unlike some people in this school.

Once Willow saw me she immediately ran over. I could tell she baffled at my sudden appearance.

'Starli! you're a mess!' she said.

'Really? To be honest, I was going for a new look!'

Willow stared at me thinking 'Don't play smart Alex with me.' She soon grabbed my arm and put me down on the vanity booth and took off my hat. With the look on her face, I knew she was shocked with my hair. Then she looked at the clock and softly told me five minutes, it was either she going to be done in five minutes or we only had five minutes either way I hoped I knew what she was doing.

Willow grabbed her hairspray and comb and began doing my hair, she pulled and the amount of times I said 'Ow' she did not care she kept combing away, water sprayed everywhere and while she was doing that she told the teach to grab me a dress from the costumes. During this I heard the principal making jokes up on stage and began doing the national anthem, luckily the person came back with a short red dress and some flats. I quickly put them on while Willow held onto my hair, still combing it and I quickly rushed to the wing of the stage, Willow sprayed my hair with hairspray and the fumes caused me to cough. Before, the principal called, Willow finished.

'Done!' Willow exclaimed backing away.

'And Now to the Stage! Head of fundraising committee and student broadcaster! Starlight Solace!"

I soon walked on staged and everyone stared at me, god I hate being the center of attention. It made me feel... insecure. Once, I reached the podium whistles were at me some screams of 'over here!', I felt like my dad but instead of fangirls it was fanboys. I looked down at the notes and sighed and finally spoke up.

'Hello! I'm Starlight Solace and today we are going to be announcing or showing our nominees for the end of year prom!' I announced and people cared once I was talking , I tried to speak but they kept welling 'If you were in it we would vote for you!' 'Let us choose you!!' I only simply laughed and continued.

'That is flattering but-'


Someone in the audience roared and I looked at the direction, Mr. Hippie. He was wielding some weapons that was shifting between a machine gun and a bow? I didn't understanding what was happening but everyone in the auditorium fled. Screaming, crying, and pure panic, but he didn't care for them he stared at me. He loaded his gun-arrow? He then shot at me, luckily I dodged it before anything and he kept shooting until he finally hit my cheek. It was a little scratch but for some reason, I couldn't see anymore. I ducked down for the podium could act as my shield.

'Look Mr. Hippie! I'm sorry for whatever my mother did, to be frank I don't even know her and I'm sorry for laughing at your name!' I yelled out still being blinded from the thing he shot me with. All I could hear was arrows flinging by me and... Willow? Scratch that Willow screaming, it was like Willow was fighting him, soon I regained my vision but it was still blurry but I saw Willow holding a weapon? When did she get a weapon?! Was it under her dress this entire time? Is that why she wears dresses?! Once I regained my vision, I heard a cry and I knew that Mr. Hippie is now going to be compost for a next tree. I tried to stand up from ducking but I wobbled and Willow came over to me.

'Stars! are you ok?!'

'Yeah, I'm great-'

Next thing I knew, I was flat out cold on the ground. I could hear my surroundings and all I could hear was

'Quickly! I have here at one of the western state, they found her. Send an extraction team ASAP! Please be okay, please be okay...'

I just knew that I was in trouble again...

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