4. My mother lost her apple

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Willow did manage to pull me off, don't worry Travis is fine with a few minor bruises. Unfortunately, the camp activities director came at a bad time and made Willow be our chaperone until we could behave ourselves. Well maybe Travis should think next time about stealing my wallet, and not be so annoying.

'Great job, no emotions.' Travis said, rubbing his arm.

'Shut up, idiotic thief.' I argued and Willow sighed.

'You two quiet it's bad enough I have to chaperone you two. Gods, this is like an enemies to lovers fanfic trope.' Willow said and I looked at her and was ready to jump her too but I scoffed and walked by her. I guess I was just tired and needed to take my anger out on someone, and Travis seemed like the perfect candidate for it. I wanted to go home, believe me I tried but Willow told me it was too dangerous right now, cause some kids were going missing and monsters attacks were higher than before. I accepted that I was probably going to live here for the rest of my life.

Now, we were heading to the dining pavilion for dinner and it kind of looked like slop but they also served me an empty cup and I was going to jump the dinner staff but I knew I was probably going to get booted out of camp next so I tried to restrain myself. Man, I just want to jump people huh... maybe it's the Aphrodite's cabin fumes of perfume that's getting to me.

'You have to scrape the food on your plate'

'Okay? Why?' I curiously asked Willow

'So that you can offer a portion of it to the gods. It's a tradition here.' Willow replied, her tone patient despite the circumstances. I laughed and asked her if the gods liked extra well done and she gave a stern look and explained the gods wanted to feel appreciated and these offerings can answer prayers. Which sounded pretty stupid, why do they want offerings if they want to ignore half their kids in the Hermes Cabin. Soon, I poured half my food into the flames and prayed to whatever deity was watching over me.

'Hey Bestie... uh please claim me mom or dad. I don't know why I'm here. Perhaps you need me or it's some stupid prank then haha funny, amen? Aloha? How do you end a Greek prayer?'

It was also a good portion of food or more like my whole plate. I mean there was no way they were going to make me eat that? Don't worry, I still kept some food, I mean I wasn't going to starve myself. That's not healthy, trust me. Anyways, I made my way back to the Hermes table and everyone had different conversations and Willow sat with me talking about her life in camp, but all I could say was 'yeah' 'cool' 'mhm'. Sue me, I wasn't the greatest at conversation skills, I mean sure I can talk in big crowds and talk about the things I experienced but listening? My attention span was not good, my eyes and brain wandered off and I forget everything the person tells me. People hated me for that, they called me selfish because I didn't want to hear them talk and only wanted myself to talk.

Willow was the only one who didn't seem to mind and usually to keep my attention to her or for remembering what she said she would write everything on a paper. She was really great, she never hated my attention span and always made sure I understood her story and sometimes when I tried to read the paper she would help me with certain words and sometimes the whole paper. Willow was my only true friend. I remembered the first time we met, she was the weird geeky kid and I was the popular one and I initiated the first move and we became friends ever since... I guess something allured me to her, maybe I was attracted to her.

'Ow!' I said and looked down at the napkin that was launched at me.

'Oops, sorry No Emotions. You looked like the trash can.'

I looked towards the direction the napkin was thrown at and saw Travis and his clone? With smirks on their faces and I hated him but Willow looked at me with a look telling 'no it isn't worth getting in trouble again.' I sighed and crossed my arms, as much as I wanted to judo flip him she was right, I didn't have a way to go home if they were to kick me out.

'Come on, it's time for the campfire' Willow said, grabbing both our plates.

'Fine.' I sighed and followed her.

Once we reached the campfire, and once again it was separated by cabins, luckily for me we were next to the Aphrodite cabin. Surprisingly, the campers were way different than the actual cabin. They weren't fumigated with fumes but they smelled nice, better than the Hermes cabin. Once me and Willow sat down, Travis decided to sit behind us because 'he's the camp counselor' Willow said I'll be fine but I didn't feel fine. He irritates me, but they didn't bother me once Willow looked back at them. I guess she scared them off, I sighed as the Apollo cabin began their songs, everyone followed along but I didn't. The songs messed with my brain! 'The Minotaur stole my underwear' like what? Don't get me started on the song 'My step-mother is a monster' I would be surprised if they win a Grammy with these songs.

A hint of annoyance crept into my voice as I asked Willow, "How much longer is this going to go on?" She simply smiled and shrugged, engrossed in the Apollo cabin's latest rendition of "Poseidon's in my swimming pool". I leaned back, listened to the evening's bizarre entertainment. Once that song finished, the camp activities director came into view. I completely forgot his name he said it but me and Travis were making faces at each other I think it was chair on? Once everyone settled down he began speaking.

"Campers! Welcome to another glorious night in camp! We thank the Apollo cabin for those wonderful songs!' Everyone cheered for the cabin as the Apollo cabin took a bow. Then he ushered them back to the seats. Then he coughed and his voice became very serious.

'As the Hunter of Artemis go forth and retrieve Lady Artemis and to hope to save Annabeth Chase, but something else has come up.' Everyone muttered and wondered what happened and whispers began to happen.

'Aphrodite, has lost the apple that she has retrieved and that had caused the Trojan War, is missing. Lady Aphrodite isn't very pleased and if her apple is retrieved, I believe Lady Aphrodite might do something terrible.' Chiron explained, I snickered and thought to myself "What is she going to do? Curse everyone to be ugly" and I guess I said that out of my mind too because Willow kind of punched me.

"We will need three campers to embark on this dangerous quest, I assume one of the Aphrodite campers.'

'Of course, I will go.'

'No! I'm mother's favorite.'

'No. Me!'

Soon the Aphrodite campers began to fight each other and squabble, the Hephaestus tried pulling them apart and the Hermes cabin was placing bets. Chiron tried to help but the chaos was to loud, I was trying to hold in my laugh this was mildly entertaining. Then a certain shift of wind happened, it suddenly got colder and I shivered. Then Chiron finally got everyone to calm down.

'SILENCE!' He roared and everyone stopped. Chiron looked towards my directions, soon everyone followed along.

'What? Is there something?' I whispered. Then Willow tapped my shoulder and told me look down.

I did and I saw a white dress and my hair was different everything about me was different. I could hear the snickers of Travis, and some murmurs of the camp, and I looked at Willow and said what's happening.

'Stars your mom-'

'I suppose Lady Aphrodite has chosen, Hail Starlight Solace, Daughter of Aphrodite Goddess of Love and Beauty!'


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