9. Open Sesame or something...

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The night was surprisingly peaceful, no nightmares or visions. Willow woke me up and made breakfast for me and Travis. It was pretty peaceful until Willow asked what happened last night.
'nothing at all!' Me and Travis said both simultaneously until she asked about Eros and we both coughed in realization, then responded to our coughs with 'I'll ask about that later.' Then I finally responded to her question, I told her about we needed to go north and open the gate with my charmspeak. Then how it was the land of love was tied to language that children of Aphrodite speak.
Willow exclaimed in delight, Travis and I looked at her curiously and asked what. Then she hugged me tightly and partied like she won the lottery. Travis and I looked at each other unsure what was happening until she finally cooled down.
'Stars, kids of Aphrodite know how to speak French. So, if we are going north to the land of love...?'

'We are going to Canada because it's a child of the country of Love. Which is France! Willow! You're a genius!' I hugged her and she then exclaimed that we were just little ways from Canada. We agreed we would leave after we ate breakfast.
It was a fun time to actually eat along with each other, me and Travis weren't fighting for the first time. I think Willow enjoyed it because she was smiling at us and watching us interact with one another. Then it was time to go, Travis took out the fire while I gathered up some of the stuff and put them inside the bags, then we left.

We walked until we saw a lake, well they continued walking but I stood there and admired it. I was somehow a little less scared of dying, I know we had to fight for the apple, but I felt nice to look at a nice view even if I was going to take my last breath, I wouldn't let anyone here die. Not even Willow-

'Stars?' I turned around and saw Willow standing there for me and she came over and hugged me, then she whispered into my ear but I didn't really hear what she said and she pulled away. Then she dragged me along
'Come on, we think we found it'
I scoffed and followed her way. Once we made it, there was an old stone there. It had some Ancient Greek writing on it. I couldn't decipher it but Travis was there examining it. I walked towards him as he smirked and went back to examining it.

'Look like you have to sweet talk to it. No emotions.'
I sighed and walked to the stone. I looked firmly at it and finally deciphered what it said

'Den' I sighed and kneeled down, to be honest it felt pretty embarrassing doing this.
'Hey, stone? Open up, please?' Nothing happened, so I shrugged and stood up and told nothing happened so we can leave, but unfortunately Willow dragged me back towards the stone again and begged me to try again. I groaned and kneeled back down to the stone.
'Ok, apparently we aren't leaving until I open you. So can you pretty please, OPEN THE DOOR SO I CAN GET OVER THIS STUPID QUEST!' I yelled at it, okay maybe not ideal for me to do that but it is very surprising what happened.

It opened, well underneath my feet. Luckily Travis pulled me back before I fell in. Once it finished opening Willow looked down at it, she said it looked deep and looked at us and smirked.

'Aw, finally all holding hands? Wait till marriage guys.' Travis and I looked down at our hands which were interlocked with each other and we immediately pulled away and I walked towards the hole and it was a staircase leading down and Willow was right it was pretty steep.
I took the first step in and leaned against the wall for dear life, soon the others followed. As we walked it was pretty dark but the light outside was lighting the way. Soon we saw the lighting for the cave where the apple was being held. Once we made it down, there was the apple in the middle of the room and the giants around it, they were ugly as my dream showed me. We hid behind some boxes and watched them interact.
'THEY ARE HERE!' I heard one call out but it was a female voice. Then someone came out. It must've been their mother then she walked out there she was. She was kinda ugly. Soon, Travis pulled us over.

'I have a plan'

Starlight Solace: The Apple of FairDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora