6. Dreams get weirder.

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It was a weird time for dreams, it wasn't like a dreams of unicorns or pickles. It was really weird. Like it was recalling my past or the things that happened in the past, like failing a math test but it wasn't, it was me, well not me right now but me from the past, child Starli playing on the tree but I or she was on the thickest branch and it looked like I was going to jump off and tried to warn her but she didn't hear me and she fell but it felt strange she fell the same way I did from fighting Hippolytus, soon the dream shifted into my father's bedroom, soon I saw my father and my... step-mother? I blinked and called out to them, but they didn't hear me but they were having a conversation. I stopped and watched their conversation.

'Micheal, I'm worried. They won't handle me being gone' My step-mother cried as my father held her tightly, he was really in love with from what I can remember.

'Love, you'll get over the sickness. You won't be gone...' My father assured her and laid her back down and kissed her forehead. He looked down as if he was regretful of something, I guess she was also guessing what was on his mind. Soon, she touched his arm and my dad looked at her and she begged him to say what's on his mind.

'I- I've been keeping something about Starlight from you.'

'Oh? Maybe I shouldn't pry..'

'No, you deserve to know. My late wife didn't die, frankly I don't know what happened to her but all I know she gave me a note and Starlight in golden woven basket. I didn't understand on what was happening and thought the baby wasn't mine, but once I saw her, I somehow knew she was my daughter. So, I took her inside and for a few months it was going smoothly granted the maids and butlers took care of her when I had to go movie shoots but one night, I was watching her and the fireplace roared and no one else was around and some guy come from the flames, it radiated of anger and hurt. He looked at me and said 'So this is the child of my lover.' I was just in... shock I suppose, then he laughed at me.'

Soon my stepmother laughed as he looked at her and smiled and told her not to laugh at his memory, she continued to laugh for a while until she stopped and told him to continue, he laughed and continued his story.

'Well, after he laughed, he told me 'This child is cursed one, whom shall-' Then the dream shifted again and I began to panic.


Once it was finished, I was still in the room but something was wrong, my stepmother wasn't there anymore and I figured what happened now, it was the death of my stepmother. I was able to move and look around, I saw the door and opened it, I soon saw Will and my father standing together while my dad was explaining something to him, I walked further to hear their conversation.

'Will, I'm sorry but your mom'



'MY MOMMY ISN'T DEAD!' Will said, as he ran off. My dad stood there and he wanted to run after him but he couldn't, he probably assumed he was going to be in garden but little did we know, we would lose him too. I wanted to see what Will did that day, so I ran after him. I ran for awhile until I found him in the middle of the woods, I stopped and walked towards him until he looked at my direction.

'Why...' Will asked who kept looking at me, I stood there frozen. I wanted to ask what was happening until.

'Why didn't you look for me.' I stammered as he questioned me and hyperventilated. I let a 'Will-' but he continued.


'I wanted too, please understand!'

'I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HOPE YOU DON'T SURVIVE ON YOUR STUPID QUEST!' Will yelled at me, I suddenly felt the world shaking and then a hole opened upon my feet and sucked me in. As I fell, I woke up.

I looked around and saw Willow, sleeping next to me. I soon saw Travis sitting there looking out, I stood up and looked around. I was lost, in thoughts and my head. Speaking of my head, I a felt bandage and it was pounding.

'Ah, looks like sleeping beauty woke up.' I heard Travis say looking towards my direction. I scoffed and sat on the log near him as I held my head. I wanted to complain about my massive headache but I figured Travis was going to laugh at me, so I kept quiet. It was loud silence as the fire flickered around and crickets chirped. Soon, Travis sat up and went towards his bag he packed. I figured he was going to grab a drink but he brought out a bow and some arrows. He walked towards my direction and handed me the weapon and looked away as if he were ashamed of giving it to me. I grabbed it reluctantly and thanked him silently and he went back to where he sat.

'Wils told me you didn't have a weapon and the Mr. Hippie dude dropped it along with some arrows as you a spoil of war.' Travis exclaimed to me and I looked at him confused. He scoffed as if I should know this already. Then he proceeded to tell me a spoil of war is a like a trophy from killing a monster Or entity. I nodded as he explained, I looked at the weapon I was luckily enough to know archery. I looked at Travis and he looked like he was going to pass out. I told him he should go to sleep and I'll take some shifts. He nodded and laid down near his log.

The night went on, everyone's snoring and some crickets here and there but it went by smoothly. Thought the entire night my head was filled with the oracle and the dreams I've been having. First the prophecy, what did mean by final breath? Does someone die on our quest? Is it a figurative thing? Then the dreams. Oh, the dreams what did that dude say to my father? Who actually was the dude, I'm so tired of everything at this point. I felt my chest closing in, my eyes started to water until,

'Stars, your turn to sleep.' Willow said patting me on the back. I came back to reality and only nodded to Willow. I walked to a log near Travis, I laid near him ONLY because I was scared felt safe near someone. As I laid there my mind tried to wonder off but luckily Travis was snoring, it wasn't loud snoring but enough to district me. I soon started to drift off to sleep, Oh boy. I wonder what dream I will have this time.

'Mother said they are coming.' One Giant said to the other one. I finally got a good glimpse of them, they looked ugly for giants. Soon the other asked how long until we came for the apple, once they asked the first one simply shrugged. Until it felt like the world began to rumble and sounded like someone else was coming into the room we were in.

I could only hear one word 'Mother' soon the giants grabbed the apple and polished it. As if they were also scared of her as well. I think before she showed, It sounded like someone was giggling but before I opened my eyes I heard someone say.

'Oh, I wish I had a camera'

Starlight Solace: The Apple of FairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora