10. I am going to be a Dead Girl Walking soon

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Ok, his plan was pretty dumb. Travis basically asked us to run around the cave making noise. While he tried to retrieve the apple. We did and Willow went one way while I went the other way. It was going pretty smoothly because Willow's hooves made a lot of while I had to sweet talk into coming to my direction until the mother noticed Travis and whacked him towards where I was. Well at least he had something to break his fall. Me, I broke his fall and made me fall over.

'Ugh, when did you weigh so much?'

'Just shut up and fight' I heard Travis yell at me and fly off, I rolled my eyes and brought out the bow from my backside. I heard sounds of cans clashing when I looked at the source of cans. It was Willow with a box that was filled with cans which was tumbled over. I soon looked back at the fighting scene and the mother was coming straight after me, I quickly pulled an arrow from the quiver and aimed for the mother. Once I shot her she backed away and she began to groan in pain.


'WHO?' The two giants said simultaneously and she yelled in anger And said something in Ancient Greece which was pretty easy for me to translate. It was stupid children by the way. Then the giants realized who it was and came after me, but one noticed Travis going back to the apple. It ran towards him but the other was running towards me, so I shot the one going after Travis. Then the one coming towards me was right there before he could whacked me down onto the floor. I jumped out of the way and I'm pretty sure I scraped something on the floor.

Soon he was moving boxes around, I moved myself up and grabbed for another arrow and shoot him, he then turned back and rubbed his eyes. He kept yelling he couldn't see and cried out for his mother. I wish I had my mother to help us with this dumb apple. Then I heard someone yell out Greek and get flung again. Once I saw them it was Travis again. It looked like he wasn't having any luck on the stupid apple.

'Agh' I heard a crash towards me happen once again. Yes, it was Travis. I quickly ran over to him and he looked like he'd been to hell and back. His hair was covering his face and I looked at the shoes he was wearing and I got pretty dumb like he did.

'Travis, give me your shoes.'

'Wh- what?' He asked looked at me, then he finally got the gist of what I was going to, he was going to respond but the sound of Willow throwing cans and making noise trying to divert them close, then she screamed and me and Travis were caught off by this and he tried getting up but he was too weak to go get up. I threw off the quiver and tossed him the bow. I think he was annoyed by the action I was choosing and reluctantly took off his shoes and handed them to me. Once while I was putting them on Willow's hooves were getting closer to us.

'STOP KISSING AND HELP ME' Willow yelled out to us and we scoffed, which was pretty loud cause she responded with a 'I heard that'. Once I finished putting them on Travis finally got up. Then he looked at me and grabbed me by the wrist.

'To activate them you have to say Maia'


Should not have said that because the immediately lifted me up into the air but luckily Travis was still holding my wrist. Then he was telling me that the key to the shoes were balance and knowing where you wanted to go I nodded.

'Good luck.' Then he let me go, I was the world's worst flier. I almost crashed into things twice or was it three time, I saw some hands trying to grab me but they retracted and I saw Travis with the bow shooting them, I once saw the apple I was so close towards it but the mother saw me and ran towards me, then she tried to wack me out of the way but luckily I dodged it, I kept trying to go to the Apple but she was to busy trying to wack me out of the air. Once I got close to it the mother screamed and shamed herself to the stand and knocked it over. I was trying to reach it and luckily I caught it, I screamed yes. Then I saw Willow and Travis head towards the exit and tried following them but the mom caught me, I yelled as she held onto me.

'Well the beauty goddess try and save her dead daughter?'

'Let me go! You Hag!'

Soon she laughed and told me my charmspeak wasn't going to work but luckily something whacked her. It was Willow's can but unfortunately she still didn't let me go. I quickly pulled the arm with the apple out and threw it towards them. She then let me go and tossed me aside but luckily the shoes kept me afloat.

'GET THE APPLE!' She yelled out to the boys who were stumbling trying to get the apple. They almost did but they bumped into each other making them fall and Willow grabbed it. Soon, the mother started chasing her while I rushed towards them. We quickly left and ran up the stairs and the mother's hand was trying to follow us.


Once we made it out, I sweet talked the door again, told it to close and it did. All we could hear was the mother's roaring in anger. We could've taken a break and stopped, but we kept running out of fear. Until we saw a car coming over on the road, we finally stopped and waved them over in which they did. Once they came over we asked for a ride.

'Well I don't know.'

'Come on, Ed help the poor babies'

Ed was looking at us strangely and told his wife no and they were about to drive off but I stopped him. 'Pretty please~ we are poor kids who are lost and we need a way home' He was in daze and told us to hop in the backseat and we did. Then he looked back at us and asked where we needed to go.

'Empire State building.' Willow said as she was putting on the seatbelt. They both looked shocked and they said no simultaneously but I looked at them again.

'You will take us to the Empire State Building.' Then they simply nodded and started driving away. As we drove away, I saw the forest we were once in disappear, I sighed in relief knowing we were almost done with the quest. While they drove, I fell asleep.


'Patience, my dear. She'll retrieve it'

I looked around and it was a white colosseum and two people were standing around one was rough and rugged while the other one looked beautiful. I couldn't identify them but I watched and listened to their conversation.


'ENOUGH- ahem she is coming I know it.' The guy could only scoff and look towards my direction and gestured to me which made the woman look towards me and she softly smiled and walked towards me.

'You are going to bring me the apple my dear. Wake up, your friends need you.'


'Stars!' I finally woke up and saw Travis frozen in place as Willow was waving at me to wake up, I soon realize I was leaning against Travis, I quickly removed my head and he finally cooled down. Then I asked what happened while I was asleep, they explained how we made it to New York and Travis used his own persuasion to make them get here, I nodded and looked outside. Then I saw the Empire State Building come into view which made me more nervous and I looked at the Apple in Willow's hand. I soon reached over for it and looked at it. I was looking at it for long cause we finally made it.

'Here you are the Empire State Building.'

Starlight Solace: The Apple of FairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora