3. I meet the Lord of Annoyance

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Once I calmed down, granted I still wasn't calm because I was like miles away from my hometown. The farthest I've been away from home is when my dad had this movie shoot in California, and that's it. I hated going out to places they always caused me trouble with my dad's fangirls and practically people used to stare at me. So, I stopped going to places unless it was a party or gala in which case I had to go.

'Starli? Ready to go?' Willow questioned.

'egh Fine.' I sighed, getting up and followed her to the door.

I waved Will bye and once I stepped outside my eyes immediately shut due to the shining blindness called the sun. Soon my eyes adjusted. There were a lot of kids running around, some were doing archery, and there were even people doing sword to sword combat? I continued to follow Willow and I saw a lot of kids that looked like Willow and we continued to walk, soon she coughed and stopped walking.

'I suppose you need a tour and new things to discuss' Willow explained softly

'You think?' I argued and softly sighed 'Sorry this is all new to me.'

'Yeah, it can be overwhelming for new-comers' Willow explained. While she talked she told me I was in a place called 'Camp Half-Blood' a place for children of Greek gods, but not only children of Greek gods it also included as a safe sanctuary for satyrs, and many types of nymphs'. I looked around at the sanctuary and wondered why hasn't this place can't be found. It's lovely. Soon we came across a giant Greek architecture with some tables inside. Willow explained it was the dining pavilion and that it's where dinner or breakfast would be served, like I didn't know what dining meant.

Then we passed a big house, unironically Willow said it was called the big house. She told me that's where the oracle subsided along with the camp activities director and camp director. Soon we passed an amphitheater where some kids looked like they were rehearsing. We passed along a lot of things, some strawberry fields, a forgery? I assumed they just had a license for that, and Pegasus stable?? It was all overwhelming. I had to take a rest because everything hurts.

Willow reassured me that everything is just going to be just fine and that everything will be alright, which was probably the same things she told me. Then she helped me to my feet and we continued with our tour. We soon arrived at the cabin quarters or as Willow would say 'The best part of the tour!' These were nice cabins, some not so great; Willow told me that the two cabins furthest from us were the cabins for the children of Zeus and Hera.

'So gods come down here and stay here?' I questioned

'No no, for demi-gods like yourself and Will' Willow said, once she said that I wondered why Hera had one if she was faithful to Zeus. Soon after she answered my question like she somehow read my mind 'Hera and Artemis have cabins but only because they are for tributes to them. If they don't have one then they'll probably throw a hissy fit. We'll go through the goddess cabin side first then male's' She explained to me and we continued our way. Soon we past a cabin that smelled like the perfume was going to over take air pollution than big companies.

'I wanna take a big guess and say Aphrodite.' I coughed while Willow nodded.

'Yeah, they aren't a big fan of sword practice or archery... but they do like celebrities and big makeup brands.' I nodded and continued with our way until I stopped coughing. We then passed a cabin that looked good but a bit dull like no one has touched it in awhile. It had the crescent of a moon and then I guessed it was Artemis and then I did ask Willow and she did say it Artemis, SO SCREW YOU THAT ONE MYTHOLOGY TEACHER IN 7TH GRADE I DO KNOW STUFF! We passed more cabins, one looked like Greek architecture while smelling like new/old books and, and looked like a treehouse and smelt like flowers. Then we got to the big cabins in the front. Hera and Zeus. Hera had statues of peacocks and it was beautifully done. While Zeus's cabin had lighting bolts on the sides of the door. Then we got to the male god's side. One cabin smelled like the sea and with a big trident overhead, I quickly knew this was Poseidon's cabin.

'Poseidon?' I asked

' Mhm! Children of the big three like Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are kind of rare, and if one is born they are considered forbidden children.' She explained, I slowly nodded at her in understanding. 'Forbidden?' I thought to myself. 'How come they are forbidden?' I questioned Willow and soon she sighed and explained that after World War II the oracle predicted a child of the Big Three will either take down the gods or save them once they reached the age of 16. Though some gods weren't too fond of this rule and had kids anyways.

'Thalia Grace is a daughter of Zeus and Percy Jackson as well... He's probably the same age as you, but Thalia is almost 16 so you came to camp at a good time!' Willow said and flashed me a smile and quick thumbs up. Great so I probably get to be a first hand witness to the end of the world that's great! We continued to pass through cabins and these cabins were not as nice as the Goddess ones, they were dirty and kind of ugly, well except for a golden yellow one with the sun symbol on it.

'Apollo. That's uhm Will's dad.' Willow said coughing

'Apollo!?' shocked I knew we came from different dads but Apollo? No wonder he seemed to glow in the dark.

We then arrived at my supposed cabin. Before we walked in, Willow explained that since a lot kid's were unclaimed and sent to this cabin like I was, the Hermes Cabin; she arranged for the cabin counselor to set me a spot on the floor and that she'll transfer from there until I was claimed by some god. I sighed and nodded then she opened the door and I followed her in. Now, imagine a dumpster... cause that's what I'll be seeing until someone claims me, it was a mess! Clothes everywhere, scattered bedding, and probably some trash. Soon someone was crashing all over the place and heard us come in. 'OVER HERE!' The voice said and Willow ushered me over.

We then were greeted by a boy, he seemed to be my age, freckled, curly black hair, blue eyes, tall, skinny. He flashed a smile and his eyes gave off this mischievous look. Willow started talking to him and I wondered if he was unclaimed too. Then Willow brought my attention back.

'Starlight, this is Travis Stoll; Travis this is Starlight Solace, she is unclaimed like I said.'

'Interesting a newbie, don't worry I'll take good care of her.' Travis said, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me closer.

I pull away and scoff, I just knew I wasn't going to get along with him. 'Willow, you don't expect to leave me, with him?' I said, and Travis spoke up 'Aw come on, have some compassion... No emotions.' He snickered and I sternly looked at him.

'The H-'

'Ok! Be nice. Gods you guys act like an old married couple.' Willow responded and stopped me from doing anymore harm. I looked at her with a look of 'I'd rather die than be married to him' and Willow snickered. Then Travis spoke up, 'so no emotions, you have a job or all of this mommy's or daddy's money?' I looked back at him in confusion and saw he was holding my wallet. I soon jumped him and we fought, while Willow tried to hold me back

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