Episode 2: Cursed With Cursed Energy

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[Episode 2: Cursed With Cursed Energy]

[Opening Song: Bling-Bang-Bang-Born, By – Creepy Nuts]

The sound of dirt crunching underfoot was drowned out by the constant chattering of the civilian populous that lived within this new Realm—the Demon Realm, from what Eda had told him what the name of this dimension had been—as Gojo explored the neighbouring town that Eda had lived near. If he was remembering correctly, which he always did, the town was called Bonesborough.

His initial opinion of the place was that it had been... interesting. Especially considering the short amount of time he and his would-be pupil had been in this place. To be exact, it had been two days since he and Luz came to the Demon Realm, and if he had been asked what the best way to describe it had been, he'd respond with it being... exotic, and that was being generous.

His reasoning for such a statement was mostly due to the populous of Bonesborough. Specifically, it's more... unique appearing individuals. And while he was both ashamed and annoyed to admit it, he wasn't taking the change very well.

In the two days that Gojo had found himself in this realm, he had to stop himself at least ten times from killing innocent civilians whom he had assumed to be Cursed Spirits. He was trying to stop himself more and more often, and it was working, but there would come a day when it wouldn't. He had too much experience with Cursed Spirits and their appearances being engrained into his mind to not know that one day he'd accidentally slip up and kill someone completely unprovoked.

Although, while that was a bad thing, it at least allowed him to know the difference between what was considered sentient here and what wasn't. Even after Eda had told him, it had been extremely confusing to follow—even with his sharp brain, it was difficult for him to figure out what exactly the difference had been. But now, he was starting to get it.

For starters, the sentient life here was far more varied than it was on Earth, though that had been obvious. Eda chalked it up to everything that humanity had believed to be a myth was the reality here. Meaning that yes, Vampires were a real thing, and yes, Gojo had the pleasure of meeting one yesterday whilst taking a midnight stroll. Though unlike in fiction, Vampires here weren't evil, they were just guys who liked to party at clubs—and that was just one of the many examples this dimension had to offer.

That was something that Gojo was trying to get used to. All of the creatures that lived here. First, and second most common to Witches, were the Demons—aka the ones that looked to be most similar to Cursed Spirits. It was because of their unique appearances that he had gotten them confused for the very things he hunted and exorcised on the daily. Most of that had to do with the wide spectrum of Demons that existed, which had been due to the sub-categories that they were placed into by the local Police precinct.

There were Bat Demons, Mole Demons, Mouse Demons and Cat Demons. There were Gorilla Demons, Mixed Demons, and everything else in between—and all of them were bipedal, which had been the major thing that had confused Gojo because there was a difference, which he had found most perplexing.

All of those Demons, all of them, were the "sentient" ones, at least according to human and or witch standards. They were the ones who talked, walked, and acted like "normal" people, and because of that, they were allowed to live in the towns, though under the strict watch of the local police, which had been made up of Coven Guards.

Then there were Beast Demons, which were considered the wildlife of The Demon Realm, aka the "non-sentient ones." He hadn't seen much in terms of what existed out in the wild, but from what he heard, the wildlife was primarily hostile, though only when provoked. So, in other words, basically just his home dimension with stranger more diverse forms of wildlife.

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