Episode 5: A Proposal and Agreement

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[Episode 5: A Proposal And Agreement]

[Opening Song: Bling-Bang-Bang-Born – By: Creepy Nuts]

Eda had to admit that maybe arranging that meeting with Principal Hieronymus Bump of Hexside High School of Magic and Demonics, and Satoru Gojo, might have been a bad idea. Having slept on it after arranging the meeting between the two, several problems with having Luz attend Hexside came to mind, the least of which was her inability to use magic.

Oh, sure, that was definitely a factor, but not nearly as big of a factor as it should have been, taking into consideration everything else. Though, as was obvious, neither Gojo nor Luz seemed to be able to identify what those problems would be, seeing as neither of them realized it just yet.

It was frustrating, but there wasn't much Eda could do except spell it out to them. Something that she refused to do, mostly because she wanted to believe that Gojo wasn't stupid enough to walk into a bad situation unprepared. But, considering just the kind of person Gojo was, Eda figured that it wouldn't have mattered either way.

Chances were that Gojo knew, but either simply didn't care, or if he did, he didn't care enough to where it would be a problem. Which, considering what he had been able to do, Eda could see why he thought so highly of himself. Simply put, if you can beat anyone just by pointing a finger at them, any perceived danger of a situation is either irrelevant or immensely overhyped.

For the longest time, while she refused to admit it due to her pride, she was terrified of being caught by The Emperor's Coven. Not because she was afraid of them, but because she was afraid of speaking to her sister again after so many years. Especially after the incident regarding their parents. That was a night that was burned into her memory so clearly that every time she closed her eyes not drunk off of her rear, she could see it.

She could see the malformation that she had turned into that night slashing its large, draconic-like claws across her father's chest. She could see the crimson liquid splash against the wall. She could see the horrified and betrayed look on her mother's and sister's faces, and she could hear the pained, agonized cursings of her father calling her a damnable monster.

That night, she had fled, never to see them again in person.

She could only imagine what her sister would want to say to her after not seeing her in person for so many years. The amount of contempt, hatred, and rage that had most likely piled up over the years, it was probably overwhelming. She could almost imagine their interaction as plain as day, and it wasn't a pretty sight.

The hostile look and the sneer, the narrowed eyes and the seething rage underneath them, and whatever harsh words she had for her. All of it was justified. Her sister always held grudges and after she had attacked their father.... If her sister didn't want to kill her with her own two hands after such an incident, she would be shocked.

Because in all honesty? She would probably let her.

So, despite their disagreements on several issues, she was glad that Gojo was here. With her magical power waning thanks to her curse, having someone who could take on the legions that The Emperor commanded took a lot off of her shoulders. Not that Eda couldn't do it herself, but she wanted to hold onto as much of her remaining magic as demonically possible, just in case they one day did find her place of residence when Gojo wasn't around.

Looking back on that, it was probably really, really bad that she was shifting her focus to being dependent on Gojo's temporary power—especially considering that she knew he and Luz were going to ask to leave any day now, and were only sticking around because they found this place interesting—but if she could rest on her laurels for just a little while longer, and accumulate enough power to permanently find a way to stay in hiding without threat of detection, she would use that and abuse that for as long as she possibly could.

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