Episode 7: Sorcerer Vs Witch - Part 2

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I'd like to address a quick correction that someone on FF made, and that was that The Black Flash doesn't multiply the damage dealt by a normal attack by 2.5 times, it multiples the attack by the power of 2.5 times. This means that, rather, say an attack that would do 500 damage doing 1250, it would rather do 5,590,160 damage. So, thank you to AntRamp, I'll keep that in mind going forward!

With that being said, let's get into this week's "episode!"

[Episode 7: Sorcerer Vs Witch – Part 2]

[Opening Song: Bling-Bang-Bang-Born – By: Creepy Nuts]

Tension built in the air, as both parties stared each other down. Both Amity and Luz waited with bated breath for the other to act, much like something one would see out of a Wild West duel. The sun was two hours away from setting, and as such, rays of light leaked in from the dome windows above, the beams of light landing on both Amity and Luz in such a fashion that they looked like spotlights, dimly lighting the arena surrounding them, only kept fully lit thanks to the torches that had turned on via a magic command.

The stakes of the battle were hefty, as were the stakes of most duels. And while their lives weren't on the line, debatably, it might have been better if they had been, all things considered.

On the one hand, Amity wanted to win to prove herself to Lilith and her family. To prove to them that she was not a failure and that she could be worth something. To prove that she wasn't just gifted because of her family name, but because she had genuine merit to her abilities as a witch. To finally leave the shadow of her mother and become something more.

On the other hand, Luz wanted to win because she wanted to get into Hexside and prove once and for all that just because she was a human it didn't mean that she was weak, or inferior to a witch. With her abilities and skill alone, she could outmatch even the strongest of witches, even if said witch she was fighting was only a first year.

Both were fighting to prove themselves, both knew the stakes if the other lost. Both did not want to be the loser of this, as if they were, then it would mean that they failed to prove themselves. And in a society that only cared about one's merit, that was basically being handed a death sentence.

Finally, after a minute of standing still, staring one another down, Amity was the one to initiate the second round of combat, pointing at Luz, eyes narrowed as she shouted out her command. "Abominations! Take down Luz Noceda!" And just like that, the three Abominations roared into action, their war cries echoing throughout the arena as they charged toward Luz. In response, Luz charged as well, closing the distance between herself and the Abominations.

Upon meeting them halfway, her first instinct was to throw a punch with her left hand at the first Abomination she saw, as the abomination she was targeting was monitoring her right hand, proving to Luz that these things weren't just puppets, but actual sentient creatures with minds and strategies of their own.

She already had Cursed Energy coating her fists so she didn't need to channel anything. She had already prepared herself for the "second round" so to speak, knowing full well that Amity was a one-trick pony, and knowing that she would use the Abominations to fight for her. It was a tad disappointing, but she wasn't going to call her out for it. If Amity wished to remain hidden behind her summons, then who was she to stop her? All that meant to Luz was that Amity truly didn't know how to fight. Meaning that, as soon as these Abominations were dealt with, she would have no problem winning the fight.

Then again, she was assuming, and that wasn't exactly a good thing. As her mother always said: Assuming things of others would only lead to misconceptions and misconceptions often led to even worse things that one assumed of the other, blowing a once simple situation into an even worse one. In other words, while she was confident that she could win this, she needed to keep her guard up, and not treat this like a game as she currently was.

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