Episode 6: Sorcerer Vs Witch - Part 1

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[Episode 6: Sorcerer Vs Witch – Part 1]

[Opening Song: Bling-Bang-Bang-Born – By: Creepy Nuts]

Gojo's fist slammed into Luz's stomach, Cursed Energy flaring around her body like a shield as the fist made contact. The force of the punch typically would've caused Luz to go flying, but this time due to imbuing her whole body with Cursed Energy, absorbing the force of the blow and reducing the amount of damage she would've otherwise taken, she only staggered slightly. Going back a few inches, Luz reoriented herself, closed the distance between herself and Gojo, and wound up for an uppercut.

Gojo, in response, put up a block, squaring his arms as Luz delivered the punch, Cursed Energy meeting Cursed Energy. Despite having the amount advantage, Gojo's was far more refined and as such, he won the struggle, allowing for him to make an opening for himself by splitting his arms apart, deflecting the attack, leaving an opening for himself as he followed it up with a roundhouse kick to her chest.

Luz tried, and failed, to keep the constant flow of Cursed Energy around her body, faltering due to the sudden panic coursing through her. The kick landed dead on, sending her crashing into the wall of the basement inside Eda's home, having previously cleared it out before beginning their training session.

The basement was surprisingly large, having more than enough space to have close-quarters indoor training sessions. It was about the same size as the living room that it was underneath, meaning it was a 12x16 room, which was the same size as, well, a large living room. Except, unlike a living room, there was a bunch of empty space, making it feel larger than it really was.

Gojo's reason for training Luz in the basement was rather simple: While it was normal for Cursed Spirits to show up outdoors, it wasn't a common enough occurrence for their training to remain outdoors. Cursed Spirits hung around enclosed spaces more often than not due to negativity sticking to surfaces. It was an advanced technique to use Cursed Energy to sniff out negative spaces, and it would be something that Gojo could teach her later because right now, he was more focused on teaching her how to fight.

Small tangent aside, Cursed Spirits more often than not appeared in buildings due to the phenomenon of buildings absorbing Cursed Energy over time. It was why Luz needed to get comfortable with the idea of fighting in tight spaces. And he was demonstrating such a thing, by once again fighting her one on one, granted by suppressing his strength and speed so that he didn't completely eclipse her in power.

Luz groaned, standing up as she dusted herself off. Gojo had to admit that she was learning how to take those types of hits far better than she used to. Before, it used to completely wind her and he'd have to give her a break to catch her breath. But now? Sure, she was clearly in pain but she was far better at shrugging it off from before. It had only been a week and two days since they first met, and the change had already been drastic.

Gojo knew from the day that he looked at her and felt her Cursed Energy that Luz was special. Back then, he had his doubts. After all, he needed to keep an even head and not get too excited. Cursed Energy wasn't the end all be all, that would just be ridiculous—especially considering The Ghost Of The Zen'in.

All of that was to say, that Luz had met his expectations, and was now starting to blow past them. He surmised that if he gave her another week with this level of training, she might be able to surpass Megumi in terms of hand-to-hand combat. Of course, then there was the mysterious Black Box and the locks he was still trying to figure out, but that could come at a later time.

"Her potential is something else—far different than what I had expected. She's strong, too. That punch would've hurt if it landed. Granted, I'm still going at her with the same strength and speed as a Grade 3 Curse or Curse User, but that doesn't undercut her progress," As Gojo thought that, Luz charged at him with a rushed jab, something he easily moved out of the way from, practically dancing away from it as he spun on his heel, avoiding another rushed right hook. "Still, she needs to work on her overall form. She's great at starting a fight, but the longer it goes on, the more desperate she becomes."

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