Episode 8: The Troubling Tale Of Skara The Nobody

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As Coach Blahk pointed out, there is a typo in chapter 7 regarding Gojo's Black Flashes, where I said it was over the decades. This is a mistake. It's supposed to say "throughout the years". My bad.

Also, just a heads up, for the next two weeks, I'll be taking a break from this fic to focus on my edits for All For Luz.

[TW for Attempted CSA (Child Sexual Abuse). Skip a little bit ahead if you don't want to read that, not that it's graphic or anything like that, nor is it glorified in any way. I simply want to warn readers that it does exist in this "episode" and it is unavoidable. So, readers' discretion is advised. That being said, enjoy the chapter!]

[Episode 8: The Troubling Tale Of Skara The Nobody]

[Opening Song: Bling-Bang-Bang-Born, by: Creepy Nuts]

The sun sat high in the sky, ominously hovering within its epicentre as most celestial bodies did. Yellow clouds gathered around the once typically reddish-orange skies of The Boiling Isles, indicating to its inhabitants that it would rain soon, causing a brief tinge of panic in those who needed to get some shopping done, and likewise to those who had planned to open their shops late into the evening.

Though considering it was the rainy season in The Boiling Isles, no one was surprised. Granted, it was a tad on the annoying side, especially because it got in the way of so many plans. Sure, folks could use magic to protect themselves, but it would just get in the way, and only a few select people had access to Oracle magic due to the sigils on their wrists indicating which track they were locked into.

At the same time, school had just gone out for the day, with children and staff alike walking to and from the building, excitement filling the air. Why? Because a fight that would be marked in the history books of The Boiling Isles had just finished, and its effects would ripple across the whole of The Titan's Corpse for years to come.

Luz The Human, someone of no renown or idea of the world she was brought into, fought against Amity Blight, a top first-year student at Hexside. It was a battle against a nobody with no claim to fame and someone with a respected reputation. The winner should have been obvious to anyone who watched it unfold.

But, in a world where anything was possible, including the impossible, the opposite occurred. The human had beaten Amity with some strange form of Magic. Humans weren't supposed to have magic, yet this one did. Granted, it was a kind of magic that was forbidden, but it was magic nonetheless.

It opened discussions on forums, wondering if the human had cheated or not, or if Amity simply wasn't all that she was cracked up to be, especially if a human could beat her. Whatever the case was, it had caused a stir in the community. And yet, despite that, and despite that minor distraction, others were busy doing more important stuff.

Case in point....

"You got our money yet, Emerald?" A tall, orkish, rocky-skinned, monstrous-looking male teenager, flanked by two other witches, both of which had different shades of brown skin, one lighter than the other, stared down a young dark-brown-skinned witch teenager, who had been unceremoniously shoved to the ground, a few scrapes and bruises on her face from a prior encounter.

She had gray eyes, and pinkish-gray dyed hair on the top of her hair, with the rest being a deep mauve, and it was held in a large ponytail in a red hair hand. She was dressed in the Hexside school uniform, as were the others surrounding her, and they were all adorned with red sleeves and leggings, meaning that they were all part of the bard track.

Skara Emerald scowled at the group of three, eyes narrowed in such a way that it expressed deep, volatile hatred. And yet, she could do nothing about these brutes because she was far too weak to do so. Not to be taken as she, as a member of the opposite sex, couldn't do anything about this because she was a woman, but because she, quite literally, was far too weak to do anything about it.

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