Episode 9: Breaking Into The Fold

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"I'm going to put this on hiatus for 2 weeks to work on All For Luz" – Me, March 22nd.

Current me, on May 17th, staring at this document and the other chapters I've written with a splitting headache. "So, uh, that was a fucking lie."

Regardless, sup! Welcome back to this mess I call my attention span and time division! As some of you might have seen, I completely rewrote All For Luz, lost track of time, and was reminded by my mother of all people that I should probably work on this. So, that's what I did... but not before I fixed stuff with my outline.

And, when I say "fixed stuff with my outline" I mean dividing three chapters that were stupidly long into two chapters each, expanding on things that I realized needed expanding on, resulting in this being what I originally believed would've been 24 chapters, to 29. That's also assuming I don't find more problems with my outline. But, for now, I think 29 chapters are good.... For now.

Yeah, so, my bad guys! But, the good news now is that we're getting back into my regularly scheduled program...! A whole month and a half later. Assuming nothing stupid happens from when I write this author's note to when I begin work on this, we'll be returning to regular uploads on Friday.

Also, if you've noticed, I've changed the title of this fanfic to being Season 1. Yeah, we're separating JJK 0.5 into separate fanfics. Why? Because 9 chapters in we're going to be over 110k words and I don't feel like writing another 1 million word fanfic at the moment. I say another because Dynamite and a Laser beam exists, and that's inching its way to 1 million words whilst I edit the shit out of it in the background.

I'm also working on an original work while doing ALL OF THIS, which is taking me a long time. BUT! That changes nothing. Nothing! I promise by the end of 2024 Season 1 of JJK 0.5 will be done! i.e. according to my schedule, we should be finished by, a-hem, September 20th.

At least, I hope.

So, as an apology for being late by about... uh, two-ish months, you get this a day early!

Anyway, with that being said...

[Episode 9: Breaking Into The Fold]

[Opening Song: Bling-Bang-Bang-Born – by: Creepy Nuts]

When Principal Bump announced that a new track was going to be added to the list of available options for students to pick from earlier this morning over the announcements, Skara, like most others, didn't believe it. After all, what was the point of introducing a new track after all avenues of magic had been already explored and or outlawed for how dangerous they had been?

That alone gave Skara all the reason in the world to ignore it. Besides, the current Tracks were more than enough for people to pick from. There was no reason to explore a new one. At least, in her mind anyway.

And yet, she was still curious. As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the Ratbat and something and some such. So, during lunch, she wandered around the building to try and find it, and eventually, she came across the classroom in question.

The Track was called The Cursed Track, its logo being that of a blue flame with a black outline resting square around a fist. An odd design for sure, but even odder was that it turned out that it was being manned and run by the formerly wanted criminal Satoru Gojo, and one of the permanent full-time students was the human who beat Amity Blight, Luz Noceda.

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