Episode 3: Control That Curse, Luz!

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[Episode 3: Control That Curse, Luz!]

[Opening Song: Bling-Bang-Bang-Born – By: Creepy Nuts]

Basements were always one of the worst places to be. It wasn't just a horror media trope to say that basements were terrifying, what with the unfinished walls, the dank smell, and the rancid-looking supports to keep whatever sat on top of the basement from collapsing inward. The basement to "The Owl House" as Eda had affectionately called her home, was no exception to the rule either.

The walls looked heavily unfinished, so much so that there were roots visible in some places, and the wooden supports looked like they were soggy and rotted through. It was a miracle that the building was even standing. If Gojo had to guess how it was still standing, he chalked it up to either the will of some outer God or some form of Magic. Or Hooty, that was also a viable option.

That aside, the only thing that saved the basement from getting a three out of three ranking for disgustingly terrifying was the fact that the smell wasn't putrid. It was actually quite pleasant. Though that probably had to do with the sheer number of flowers dotted about the place that gave off a nice smelling aroma.

That wasn't even factoring in the sheer size of the basement. Gojo hadn't properly mapped it out yet, namely because of the amount of clutter that was in the way, but it was pretty huge all things considered. It was probably one of the only things preventing any sort of nasty smells from spreading out like a plague and fermenting.

And while the size and the smell helped things a little bit, it was still dark and spooky, due to the lack of windows. It had betrayed the fact that above ground it was daylight; the only light source available was a spare standing lamp he had found in a pile of "trash" that Eda had thrown in a pile in the storage shed next to the house.

Speaking of the time of day, right now, it was extremely early in the morning, and if his phone was correct, it was currently 6:00 am, sharp. Most of the time, Gojo was never up this early. It was normal for him to sleep in, but due to current circumstances, he simply didn't bother with sleep. That, and he could tell with the shuffling about, everyone else had probably just woken up.

As for what it was he had been doing all night, he had devoted his time and energy to setting up the basement for Luz's training. The reason it had taken so long to set up wasn't because it had been particularly hard to do. Rather, the reason why it had taken so long was that he had needed to find everything that he needed for Luz's training—which hadn't been much, but due to the clutter, it had taken a lot longer than it should have.

It had become clear to Gojo during his search for what he needed that Eda had not been a very tidy individual. Especially regarding the junk she scattered about in the basement and the storage shed. Despite the mess in both the storage shed and the basement, he had been able to find what it was he needed, alongside borrowing something from the living room, that being the chair.

As for the other stuff, he had snagged a sturdy plastic box that would act as a TV stand and the TV that had been on display at Eda's shop, both of which he had taken from Eda's storage shed. Alongside that, there was the aforementioned large standing lamp and a few other electronical knick-knacks. After he had gathered everything, he brought them all down to the basement, which had been the easy part.

Then came the hard part: making room for everything.

This had been the part that had taken him the longest, and that was prepping the basement. Finding the stuff, while it had taken him a while, was the easy part. Sure, it had taken him from 9:30, which had been when everyone else had gone to bed, sans Luz who had gone to bed at 7:30 on his orders, to 11:30 to find everything. But it took him from 11:30 to 5:30 to finish cleaning everything and making sure everything was put away in such a way that it would be easier to find.

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