Episode 4: Lapse, Reverse, Refine

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[Episode 4: Lapse, Reverse, Refine]

[Opening Song: Bling-Bang-Bang-Born – By: Creepy Nuts]

For a place as weird as The Boiling Isles, with Witches and Demons and all manner of supernatural folk being real and living here, Luz had to admit that the forest was the most normal place in it by far. Sure, there were strange creatures that looked like something ripped right out of a fantasy book that lived within the woods, but aside from that, and aside from the grass and the leaves being orange, it reminded Luz of home.

Home.... A part of her missed home, but a part of her didn't miss home at the same time. Home was where all of her no-good rotten bullies were. Home was where everyone saw her as nothing more than a freak and a weirdo, save for her mother. Home was the place where she had to constantly deal with the strange looks and off comments.

Home was where everyone teased her about seeing things that "weren't there", even though they were there, which she now knew for a fact thanks to what Gojo was teaching her. And home was where she would've gone to that number-crunching camp her mom was so hellbent that she went to.

She knew her mother meant well when it came to sending her to Reality Check Summer Camp. But, at the same time, that wasn't what she wanted. Luz knew her Mom better than that. Luz knew that her Mom, despite being a little rough around the edges from time to time, meant the best when it came to her decisions. She knew her Mom meant no ill-will to her when she had elected to send her to that place.

But, Luz would've liked to have had at least a little bit of input on that. It had been sprung on her on the last day of school when she had already made plans over the summer. Sure, she might not have had a lot of friends—or any at all—but she was content with that. She was content with being lonely—no, she really wasn't, she wanted friends and she wanted them badly, but no one wanted to understand her, or try to understand her—and that was fine!

But, then again, the saying "mother always knows best" was a thing. And maybe, she was right. Maybe she had been right to send her to Reality Check Summer Camp. If she hadn't tried to do that, she would've never met Gojo or Eda, or had learnt about this new dimension that apparently had always existed! Nor would she have known that she had Cursed Energy thanks to meeting Gojo!

But, all of that aside, Luz had been in the forest for a reason. It wasn't just to go on a nature walk, sadly. Rather, it was for her training. Luz had wanted it to be yesterday, but that hadn't happened. It had surprised her yesterday that Gojo called off training that day, and that it was going to be a break day. But, with hindsight now 20/20, she knew that it probably would've been for the best.

That being said, it had upset her because she had been excited to learn more about Cursed Energy and what she could do with it. But, then again, they had stayed up all night the day prior, and Gojo had looked absolutely exhausted. So, she didn't push her luck.

But, that still didn't mean she was just going to sit there and... do nothing. That just wasn't her style. After all, she had to put her attention somewhere. She wasn't the type of person who could sit around and do nothing for hours on end. Sure, she could've helped Eda or maybe asked King if he wanted to do something. But, she had been so focused on this new thing that she learned, and what she could do with it, that she couldn't stop thinking about it!

Eda seemingly understood that and didn't bother Luz at all about it. And so, because of that, she decided to put herself to work to try and do the one thing that Gojo suggested her to do. It had to do with their, albeit brief, conversation yesterday about their training.

"Why not! I want to train today! C'mon Gojo, please!"

"No, Luz. Besides, you need to rest. You stayed up all night, and all day yesterday. Not to mention I'm tired, too. Can't keep this up forever, you know. Everyone needs to take a break now and again."

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