Part 2 Resistance

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Tails "Miles" Prower

Tails is a young fox cub who has a pure and courageous heart. Although he has been persecuted in the past for his dissimilarities, Tails would over time find the right friends to give him support, which in turn gave him confidence. Loyal and trustworthy, he can be counted on to stand firmly by the side of his friends and help them out however he can. While still young, Tails has time and again proven himself to be a force to be reckoned with despite his inconspicuous appearance, especially with his high intellect. As a result of being practically raised by Sonic though, Tails has been known to carry out his plans without warning or a heads-up. Despite this, he still uses his abilities and talents to carefully prepare himself and his friends for various situations if he is not entirely sure about what they will be facing. He is likewise very friendly and tries his best to approach others with a kind-hearted attitude, even towards enemies whom he does not know very well.


Y/N is a Robot Mobian fox created by Tails, with its software memory corrupted during the creation process. As a result, Y/N had to start from scratch to learn and adapt to its new surroundings. Its physical appearance is undefined, with unspecified robotic eyes, fur, and hair, leaving room for the reader's interpretation. Y/N's inability to speak due to a damaged voice box initially presented a challenge, but through Tails' expertise and dedication, the issue was successfully resolved, allowing it to communicate with a slightly distorted robotic voice. This newfound ability to speak marked a significant milestone for Y/N, enabling it to interact and express gratitude towards Tails for his assistance.

Y/N's personality can be described as curious, loyal, and grateful. They are eager to learn and adapt to their new surroundings, always watching and paying attention to their creator, Tails, as they navigate through different situations. Y/N is also obedient and trusting, following Tails' instructions without question and showing gratitude for his help and guidance. Despite their robotic nature, Y/N shows empathy and appreciation for the efforts made on their behalf. Overall, Y/N is a friendly and compassionate character, eager to bond with others and ready to embark on new adventures.

Log 1 Subject: Y/N 

Date: [1/25/2025]

Tails Entry Cont...

Y/N has been with me for a few days now, and I can already see the potential in them. Despite their initial struggles with communication, Y/N has been eager to learn and adapt to their new surroundings. They may still be a work in progress, but I have no doubt that they will soon become an invaluable companion on our adventures.

I also managed to repair Y/N's voice box, and now they can finally communicate with us properly. It was a small victory, but an important one in our journey together. Y/N's gratitude and eagerness to learn remind me of myself when I was younger, and I can't wait to see how they grow and develop in the future.

As I write this, Y/N is powered down for the night, resting and recharging for the adventures that await us. I feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what lies ahead, and I know that with Y/N by my side, we will be able to face any challenge that comes our way.

I look forward to the adventures and experiences that await us, and I am grateful to have Y/N as my companion on this journey. Together, we will make a great team, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

I'm thinking of taking Y/N to meet the rest of the Resistance tomorrow.

End of Log 1.

The next day...

Tails is tinkering with some wires in Y/N's back, he's been trying to install a personality chip to Y/N with... limited success.

Failed attempts...

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