CHAPTER - 1 (100%)

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"Madam, you are here to buy our cabaret, right?" asked Thar immediately, as he was very interested in the matter.

"Yes, exactly. But Thar, don't worry, dear. I will leave all contracts as usual and make sure the shows go on as usual. The only change will be in the management on my side," said Madam Linze with a smile, making Thar feel a little more relieved.

"But maybe I need to talk to Thar a little more, because I need to understand how the job works to know what needs to be adjusted," said Madame Linze warmly.

"Of course, Thar would be happy to help," Thar replied.

Even though the cabaret is changing hands to the new owner, Thar felt relieved to know that everyone would still be hired as before.

He wasn't expecting to become the owner of the cabaret, he just wanted to ensure that the business Mae Phleng had created continued for a long time, as it was something she loved deeply.

"But I may need my son to help me take care of this. When the contract is signed, I will arrange a meeting with Thar again. For now, Thar can do everything as usual," said the Madam with a smile. Thar nodded before turning to look at Mae Phleng and smiling softly at her.

"I have to leave him with you, Madam," Mother Phleng said in a low voice.

"I have to disagree, Thar is grown up, he's not that little boy anymore", Thar disagreed, but Madame Linze looked at Thar with pride.

"Don't let Thar's cuteness fool you, Madam. He is stubborn and obstinate," Mae Phleng said with a smile as she shook her head.

"Mae Phleng..." Thar started to protest, but Madam Linze laughed softly.

"Oh, are you hungry yet? P'Nom has already prepared the table for us," said Thar.

"Come on, let's eat together, Madam. Thar cooked today, I hope you like it," said Mae Phleng, before Thar took her mother to the table and helped P'Nom organize everything. Afterwards, they sat down to eat together, with Madame Linze praising Thar for the delicious dinner.

"The meeting can be postponed," the authoritative voice sounded after finishing the meeting with his own company's production department. Everyone was stiff, as going to a meeting with the company president is scary for them.

This is a media company and

entertainment, OTV Company, which is considered the number 1 largest company in America.

The company's president, Ares Kretoros, a prominent influence in the US and many other countries, had businesses not only in media and entertainment, but also shady businesses that he runs with three other close friends, where they are divided into zones of influence areas , to take care of each other.

Today, he had to attend the board meeting to recap several issues from the past month, a meeting always tense for everyone.

Ares was visibly irritated, maintaining a cold demeanor throughout the meeting, due to a problem with a famous actor in the company. The artistic management department had hidden the matter for a while, without reporting it to him, but Ares knew, as he had someone infiltrated in the company working for him. Only the others didn't know.

"Miss Diva, please tell Evelin and Grace to meet me tomorrow at 10 o'clock," Ares said calmly to the manager in charge of the artists and actors, with a soft voice.

"Yes, I will inform them immediately," Diva quickly replied, while secretly scolding the two women called internally as they both caused her to be scolded as well.

"Foss, can I have the meeting report by tonight?" Ares asked his secretary.

"Of course, sir," Foss replied promptly.

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