CHAPTER - 4 (100%)

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When the costume was sewn, Thar took it and left the office, while Ares followed him with his eyes. Thar barely looked at Ares, as he was completely focused on his work, which made Ares a little upset.

Likewise, Ares' secretary, Foss, just sat and watched his boss, somewhat surprised by his boss's caring attitude towards Thar.

"Uh, boss, what about the products Mr. Redel requested..." Foss asked, trying to get Ares to talk about work again.

"Say that I can only increase by 20%, and that I don't want events like this again," Ares said of the weapons he was trading.

"Understood," Foss replied and was about to continue talking about work, but

"Take a break," Ares said, making Foss raise an eyebrow, as normally his boss didn't give him a break until the work was done. Ares didn't care about his secretary's surprised expression and got up to open the blinds and look through the glass window, where he could see Thar busy with the costumes and giving instructions to the arriving actors. Ares looked around before calling Foss to ask someone to look at the stage area while the team got ready, whether in terms of sound equipment, lights, or anything else. Ares watched Thar for a moment before returning to his table to continue talking about work until it was time to open the cabaret club that day moment Thar returned to the office.

"The cabaret club is already open, won't you go out and take a look to get a feel for the atmosphere?" Thar asked.

"Um," replied Ares in his throat.

"Where do you usually have dinner?"
Ares asked.

"I asked them to bring something to eat right here. Why?" Thar asked back.

"Go have dinner with me first and then come back here later," Ares said, causing Thar to frown instantly.

"Do you want to go out to dinner?" Thar asked, surprised. Ares just nodded in agreement.

"I can't leave now. I need to keep an eye on the performance. And besides, I still have to see the actors' costumes," Thar replied immediately.

"You can't do everything yourself. Other people must be responsible for their own work. You don't have a proper work plan. In fact, you should have at least one or two assistants, and not do everything yourself," Ares scolded.

"I have assistants, but I feel more comfortable doing it myself," Thar replied. The assistants Thar was talking to were some actors for whom there was mutual respect. But what could they do to him?

"Who are your assistants? If you mean these actors, that's not enough. There must be someone besides the actors," Ares continued. Thar's face was getting hotter and hotter with the reprimand, even though he agreed with Ares' words, but the truth was that he was used to doing things alone.

"Have you ever thought that if there's ever an emergency and you can't come to work, what will these people do? They only have to wait for one person, that's it?" Ares said again. Thar pursed his lips, because he was unable to truly argue.

"Then let me look for someone to help. But today there's no one, so I have to take care of this. Go, if you're hungry, go out first and find something to eat." Thar interrupted.

Ares glared at Thar with an irritated expression, but Thar chose to ignore her. He entered the office, grabbed his things and left to take care of the cabaret actors.

"How stubborn," Ares muttered.

"Uh, boss, will you want to go out to dinner first?" Foss asked back, as he needed to contact the driver.

"I'll eat when I finish watching the performance," replied Ares, after all he no longer had regular meal times anyway.

After that, Ares left to check the cabaret environment, seeing the presentation and customer satisfaction before returning to the hotel, as he had a work video conference with a friend. Meanwhile, Thar continued with his normal work.

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