CHAPTER - 3 (100%)

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"Do you think the same way, Ares?" Madame Linze teased, turning to ask her son who was sitting calmly looking at Thar.

"If you don't mind someone being so eloquent," Ares replied, making Madame Linze laugh softly.

"It seems to be the first time I've seen you argue with someone like that. At least, as far as mother knows, no one has dared to challenge you like that before. Ares, don't you always handle every situation so calmly? But why did you come in?" in conflict with Thar?" Madame Linze asked her son.

"I'm angry with that boy. Although his body is fragile, but his heart is too bold. If he was in the industry, he would certainly have been swept away by the current a long time ago" Ares vented.

"I don't want to do too much either because it seems like the mother really likes this boy" Ares teased, making Madame Linze laugh softly.

"Yes, I really like him. How many people are there who can challenge Ares Cretoros and not receive a response?" Madame Linze teased her son.

"Besides, it's really your fault. You realize that, right? Mom understands that you've met and gotten to know people in different ways, and I know that your work has never suffered losses, no matter the type of business. You've always gotten great opportunities, the which makes you see this cabaret show business as unprofitable. But for Thar and the previous owner, who is like a little sister to me, this place represents their life. They managed to find love and really appreciate this place" he explained to Madame Linze, and Ares said nothing.

"I know some things here

may be a little degraded and it may be necessary to make some changes. That's why I wanted you to come Ares and see what we need to do. What improvements should we make to make this place more modern and comfortable to attract more customers?" said Madame Linze in a serious tone.

"There are several areas that need adjustments, but either way, I need to explore every nook and cranny of this place, including the job system," replied Ares, bluntly.

"Today we're going to take a quick look. After we sign the contract, I'll let you take a more detailed look here" Madame Linze replied and Ares just nodded.

They sat and watched the rehearsal for a while. Until Thar asked everyone to split up to get some rest and get ready for work in the evening. While Thar was standing and talking to the electrician, Jane and her friends immediately approached Ares, but Ares' bodyguards stepped in front, blocking them, causing Jane and her group of friends to be left behind. intrigued.

"Sorry, I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself" said Jane, speaking in English as she had dealt with foreign clients for many years. Madame Linze looked at her calmly, unlike Ares, who looked at her coldly.

"My name is Jane. I'm a star here. You're the new owners, right?" Jane continued. At that moment, Thar turned around and frowned when he saw that Jane was standing there with Ares' group.

"Is mom coming back soon?" Ares didn't care about Jane and her friends, but turned to ask his mother in Greek, something Jane and her group of friends didn't understand.

"I can go back now, but first I will say goodbye to Thar." replied Madame Linze in Greek, before they both got up and headed towards Thar, ignoring Jane and her group of friends.

This made Jane and her friends feel embarrassed, because there were still other people who were on stage and they all witnessed the situation. Ares and his mother understood the purpose of Jane and her friends coming to meet them, even if they didn't get to talk to them.

"Thar, are you free to talk?" Madame Linze called Thar in English, as usual, which made Jane and her group of friends who were hurriedly following them, pause. At first, they thought Ares would understand and respond in English, but he didn't even respond to them.

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