002 | first rate fruit.

109 10 2

★ . . . JOSHU GLANCED BACK AT YOU and Karera in the backseat every five minutes. Whether it was because he was afraid you would use your Stand again, or because he really found you that ugly, you couldn't tell. His wariness stifled the car, and all your attempts at making conversation fell flat.

"I can't believe you used your Stand on him already," Karera said from the corner of her mouth. She'd whined for Joshu to move up his car seat but he'd refused, and so her legs were folded nearly up to her chin. "And over a drink."

"I was thirsty," you said. "And besides, he was being an asshole."

"I can hear you," Joshu growled.

You raised your voice. "You were being an asshole."

Joshu stopped at a red light, none too gently, knocking your head against the window.

"What number did he roll?" Karera asked.

"A five."

"Knew it." She caught your arm before you could slip your bone dice into your pocket. "Let me roll again."

"You know what number you'll get."

"Still. I want to check."

You held out the jade plate as Karera shook the dice in her fist and dropped them. The dice practically landed on their sides, five pips on one and six on the other. Even though Karera had been rolling an eleven for years now, she still looked pleased at the number.

Although your bone dice were in some ways still up to chance, you could make a good guess as to what number someone would roll. Strangers were more likely to roll a five, making them the best to assign tasks to. Friends were seven or eight and family regularly rolled nines and tens. Only the closest and most trusted were able to roll an eleven, and you had yet to meet anyone who could roll a twelve. Karera had jokingly suggested once that only your true love could roll that perfect number. You had rolled your eyes, but with how things were going, that would quickly be put to the test.

You made eye contact with Joshu again in the rearview mirror. He made a face and you made one right back. At least you knew Joshu was out of the running.

"That river is gorgeous," Karera sighed. Looking out your own window, a smile spread over your face at the sight. You rolled down your window to listen to the gushing water as you crossed over the bridge. With the dropping sun splashing sparkles over the water, the water was bright enough to hurt.

"What's the river called?" you asked Joshu.

"Stupid River."

You scowled. "I'm here on vacation. The least you can do is tell me about the town a little bit."

Joshu let out a long-suffering sigh. "This is the Ichio River," he said in monotone. "We're currently on the Hagi Bridge. Crossing over it, we arrive in Morioh, known for its tourism industry and beef tongue pickled in miso." He cut you off before you could speak. "No, I'm not gonna take you, don't even ask."

Morioh. You craned your neck to take in the town sign as you passed. Above the town's name was a curved M beneath a crown. Set against the backdrop of dusk, the villas you passed were neatly pressed and decorated, all of them fitting together like a well-curated photograph. One of these villas was your mother's, but for a night at least, you would be staying with the Higashikata family. Something about business partners and family debts and associations. In one of your bags was a bottle of very expensive cherry wine from your family's winery. You would probably forget to give it to the Higashikatas, you thought idly.

The rest of the buildings and streets you passed were similarly cultivated. Nothing out of place. A perfectly peaceful and pleasant town to spend the summer. The only thing that took you by surprise were the huge cliffs rising out of the ground as Joshu drove you past the edge of the villas.

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