004 | first attempt win.

63 8 2

★ . . . IT WASN'T UNTIL THIS MOMENT that you realized just how arrogant the "I'll do whatever you want" bet really was. It was a flippant remark you used to reel in reluctant players, an ante that put the other person at ease because you were risking so much more than they were. Of course, you only did this because you'd always been confident in your assessment of the other person. They weren't trustworthy. They were total strangers. They would never roll above a seven and you would never lose the bet. No one would be stupid enough to give someone that much power over them.

And yet you just had, to the boy across from you with a sailor's cap and two-toned eyes.

"Hey, Josuke ... you won!" Joshu slapped Josuke on the back, hard. "I don't know how, considering the dice are rigged, but you actually did it! They fed you that bullshit line about doing whatever you wanted, right? Well, that means they have to! Or they're gonna start falling apart!" Joshu looked positively gleeful, and you couldn't say you preferred that expression to his usual scowl. Josuke, on the other hand, was unreadable.

When you took the bone dice back into your hand, their coolness felt more like the sting of betrayal. You didn't understand it. Josuke had rolled a nine, as though you had known each other for years instead of minutes.

"Whatcha gonna make them do?" Joshu goaded, nudging Josuke. "They have to do whatever you want."

A shudder went through you. Josuke hadn't named a task yet, and so your limbs were safe for now. However, nine was a pretty high number. It was one thing if Josuke wanted you to fork over a few yen or to leave him alone for the rest of the summer. But what if Josuke asked for something bigger? To steal something? Harm someone?

Josuke could ask you to leave Morioh and there was nothing you could do about it. You would be unable to complete your task, unable to lift your family's curse. Sweat broke out along your forehead. You couldn't believe you'd been so stupid. You should have offered something smaller for a day of Josuke's sightseeing but instead—

If you roll over a seven, I'll do whatever you want.

Karera, ever the goddess of inopportune appearances, chose that moment to return from the restroom.

"Whew! I needed that. Felt like my bladder was gonna explode." She plopped down next to you, oblivious to how tense you were.

"So what happened? What did the pretty boy roll?"

"Bastard rolled a nine," Joshu said smugly. "Now he can get Y/N to whatever the hell he wants."

Karera let out a whistle. "Damn, really? When was the last time that happened? You really let your guard down, didn't you?"

You clenched your bone dice, feeling the edges cut into your skin. "Shut up, Karera."

Josuke's face gave nothing away. You wished you could see what was running through his head. You were completely at his mercy. Anything he brought up, you would have to see through or Dancing's Done would completely dismember you.

Joshu's patience snapped. "Well, just tell them already! They treated both of us like shit. You should be using this to show them a piece of your mind!"

"That's only 'cause you were acting like a prick!" Karera shot back. "If you were a decent person, Y/N wouldn't have had to use their Stand!"

"Don't call me a prick when you act like a goddamn slob! I never asked for you to come to Morioh for your vacation!"

Karera was on her feet, her jaw clenched. Joshu raised his eyebrows and raised his arms. "You gonna punch me? Go on. Just try it."

The elevator chime cut through the tension. You were relieved to see Norisuke striding over, his eyebrows drawn together.

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