008 | six count draw.

46 8 1

★ . . . YOU HOVERED IN THE DOORWAY of your room as Daiya rifled through your suitcases. You had made a bet with someone yesterday and had to do something before eleven. But it must have had something to do with the boy on the chess piece Daiya had taken, and so you didn't have a clue what it was. All you had to do was get Daiya to step on your shadow and you'd get your memory back. But how?

You felt a dull, persistent throb in your fingers; Dancing's Done urging you to get to your task. Although you had never encountered it, you supposed forgetting was a form of opposing the task.

"We need to dress you up," Daiya said, pulling out clothes from your suitcase. Bold, exquisite pieces from the voguish designers you bought from, sometimes straight off the runway. She squealed. "Ooh, this blazer is so pretty! And you have this silk scarf too! Put these on! I have the perfect dress to match."

You begrudgingly replaced your hoodie with the blazer and turned to the mirror against the wall to tie the scarf around your neck.

Maybe you didn't need the memory at all. If you could figure out who the person your task was for, you could still do it, even if you didn't know who they were. It had to be in your phone somewhere.

"This cap would look so cute on you!"

You pulled out your phone as Daiya continued gushing over your clothes. You went back to your latest messages and tapped on Karera's chat. She had to have mentioned your task.

You skimmed it over. Don't forget ... eleven ... Josuke. Your attention snagged on the name. He had to be the one. But who the hell was he? You scrolled back further but there were no clues as to who he was.

"Y/N, what do you think?"

You sent off a quick text to Karera to remind you who Josuke was and what he looked like. She would be confused as hell but hopefully she'd answer. If you completed the task with the wrong guy, it would all be for nothing.

Hold on, you'd seen a contact in your messages with that name. Going back, you found the contact labelled JOSUKE ★. Was this the same guy? Your fingers hovered over the keyboard, thinking. Would he be able to come to the Higashikata house? Daiya would have to let you go then, right? You were about to send the number to Karera to confirm when you felt Daiya hovering over your shoulder.

"Don't you think it's rude to ignore someone?" Daiya seized your phone. She squinted down at it. "Are you trying to get away from me? I'm going through all this trouble to pick out your outfit and you're ignoring me?"

"No, Daiya, listen. I have to—"

"And you're trying to lie to me!" Daiya cried. "You're ignoring me and lying to me. I'd say that counts as fussing, don't you?"

You didn't have a chance to argue. You gagged suddenly, feeling as though something was coming up your esophagus. You hacked violently, trying to dislodge it, and it skittered across the floor as it fell from your mouth.

"Ooh, where did it go? Give me a hint! Just a little one!" Daiya dropped to the ground, her hands scrabbling around. Your eyes widened. Shit! That had been another chess piece! Daiya had just taken another memory from you!

"Got it!" To your dismay, Daiya raised up a rook, rolling the piece along her cheek. A delighted grin spread across her face. "This one is of your friend from yesterday!"

Your stomach dropped to your feet. "Friend? Who are you talking about?" You strained to make out the figure in the chess piece. A fish-patterned headband. Long dark hair. Who was that?

"This memory is so pretty," Daiya sighed. She dropped the chess piece into her pocket. "It's the perfect one to share together!" She got up from the floor and walked over to you. You stiffened as she draped her arms over your shoulders. "We're starting our happiness, Y/N! You'll fall in love with me in no time!"

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