003 | pretty boy server.

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★ . . . IT WAS MORE THE TIMBRE of your server's voice you listened to rather than any of the actual words he said. "Starting from the top down the parfait consists of cut melons, jelly and whipped cream, ice cream, melon granita, champagne sherbert, corn biscuit, another layer of jelly and whipped cream, and finally fresh melon juice. Please enjoy and let me know if I can help you with anything else."

Your server gave a small bow before tucking his tray under his arm and walking briskly away. You watched his back as he moved, deftly picking up a few empty parfait glasses from a table and tapping the shoulder of a passing girl, laughing when she pouted at him. You felt faintly disappointed when he disappeared into the kitchens, taking his gap-toothed smile and cute pink kerchief with him.

"The longer that dopey smile stays on your face, the more dignity you lose."

You barely heard Karera. In a daze, you stuck your spoon down as far down the glass as it would go before scooping it out and putting the dreamy mixture in your mouth. You closed your eyes with a sigh.

"Did he say his name was Josuke?"

Karera helped herself to her parfait, eyes growing wide before she shovelled another bite into her mouth. "Forget the server. What did they put into this? Is it really just fruit?"

Forget the server? You were willing to pay the fruit parlour a visit every day if it meant catching a glimpse of Josuke in that pink kerchief. He had the kind of face that made you smile whenever you thought of him. You were struck with the inexplicable urge to make him laugh. How would his mouth curve when a peal of laughter escaped him? And his eyes. Were they really two different colours? He should pass by again so you could check.

"He is pretty cute," Karera said, already halfway through her parfait. "Kinda reminds me of a crush I used to have."

There had to be a specific word for this, enjoying a deliciously sweet dessert while your mind conjured up rose-tinted thoughts of a pretty boy. You had been afraid coming to Morioh for a month wouldn't be long enough to fulfill your task, but it couldn't be that hard if you'd met someone like Josuke already?

You glanced at the back of your hand. The brand was still there, but maybe it was lighter than it had been a minute ago?

The exquisite parfaits were finished in a matter of minutes. Josuke swept by to pick up the empty glasses, although not nearly long enough for you to admire his smile again.

"You're down bad," Karera said with exasperated amusement. "You barely met the guy and you look like you're planning the rest of your lives together."

"That is why I'm here," you said faintly. Karera was well aware, but that didn't stop her from teasing you mercilessly.

If only it could be as easy as this, you thought. You would be done with your task and on your way home and no one would be the wiser.

But curses were never that easy, and the one suffocating your family was particularly complicated.

Eventually, customers began trickling out of the fruit parlour. After you explained that you were guests of Norisuke-san's, the servers were nice enough to leave you both with cups of tea as they cleaned up and closed the parlour for the evening. You and Karera waved at everyone as they left, and you only perked up when you spotted Josuke trailing the lingering employees to the exit.

A thrill went through you as he headed to your table instead.

"You wouldn't happen to be L/N Y/N and their friend, right? Norisuke mentioned something about spending the summer in Morioh."

The smile that spread across your face was glorious. "That happens to be exactly who we are."

Josuke grinned, sliding into the booth beside Karera. He had changed out of his uniform into a white sailor-reminiscent outfit with a cap to match.

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