005 | not quite resemblance.

71 9 3

★ . . . THE VIEW OUTSIDE OF THE Higashikata's living room was calming. Wall Eyes aside, watching the waves crash against the tiny coast in the distance put you at ease. It really did look like something out of a painting, meticulously arranged and maintained. Norisuke's architect had been brilliant in choosing the mansion's location.

You felt something prod against your socked foot. You looked down and grimaced. "That's the ugliest dog I've ever seen."

Karera guffawed, nearly choking on her gum. She leaned over to look at the dog nuzzling your foot. "Aw, come on. He's kinda cute."

You scrunched your nose as Karera began cooing at the dog. What breed was it even? It had a little clump of fur at the end of its tail and the darker fur along its neck almost looked like a horse mane. And where had it come from? It was like the thing had just phased up from the floor.

Karera lifted the dog from the floor, ignoring its whines. "What's your name, cutie? Huh? What is it?" Karera asked in a gooey voice as though the dog could answer. She scratched his scruff and you couldn't tell if the dog liked it or if he wanted to die.

"I have some gum. You want some gum?"

"Don't give the dog gum, Karera."

Karera pointed the dog's snout at you. "Why not? He wants some, right?" She moved the dog's head up and down.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Pet him! Come on, just a boop on the nose." Karera was squeezing the dog like it belonged to her. You and the dog shared looks of exasperation.

"If only he could roll my dice," you said, only half-joking. You didn't think your Stand worked on animals but you had never had the chance to try. Getting this dog to execute a task would be hard, but it would be interesting to see if you could still use your dice to gauge its trustworthiness. You were still trying to figure out how to fit the dice into the dog's paws when a voice spoke up.

"His name is Iwasuke."

You and Karera looked up. A kid stood at your elbow, green hair curling at her chin and her polka-dot dress fisted into her hand. She started a little when you leaned towards her.

"The dog. His name is Iwasuke."

"It is?" Karera squealed, pulling the dog tighter. "Aw, that's so cute!"

You smirked. "What, like Josuke and Norisuke?"

"Yeah, my grandpa doesn't like the name much. Josuke either."

The dog was still ugly, but for the name alone you could forgive it. The colour of its fur did remind you a little of rocks.

"Sorry for my friend manhandling your dog," you said to the kid. "I'm Y/N. She's Karera. Norisuke-san is letting me stay for a while for my vacation. What's your name?"

"Tsurugi," the kid said. She scratched her head where an origami frog rested in her hair. You couldn't tell how old she was. Eight or nine maybe? You couldn't say you liked children much but Tsurugi seemed alright. At least she wasn't pelting you with obnoxious questions.

"So is Joshu your older brother or...?"

Tsurugi shook her head. "Joshu is my uncle. My dad is the oldest."

Ah. That made a little more sense. Still, you couldn't imagine Joshu being very nice to his niece.

"I made something for you." Tsurugi opened her palm. It was another origami frog, this one in hexagon-patterned paper. The folds were all clean and crisp, way better than anything you thought a kid could make.

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