007 | california king bed.

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★ . . . KARERA HAD NO PROBLEM GOING to sleep, time zones be damned, and so her snoring kept you up the entire night. You must have dozed off at some point, because when you next opened your eyes, light was filtering in through the window and Karera was gone.

You groaned and reached for your phone before pausing. It was now officially one month before your nineteenth birthday. One month for you to find your true love and claim your family's fortune.

Or one month until you died, depending on how you looked at it.

KARERA: Oi, headed over to your villa. You can stop by before you head off with pretty boy to drop off your things. I'll wait until then before i go out. Wouldn't want to cockblock you kekeke

Hope you didn't forget about the sightseeing. You're supposed to meet at 11.


Y/N: Don't get an ulcer, i have his number.

I'm gonna be fine, don't worry. Pretty sure josuke won't make me do anything weird.

Actually, what time was it? You bolted upright.

It was already ten thirty.

You hastily got your clothes and crossed the hall to take a quick shower. Why hadn't you set an alarm? You'd been too cotton-headed from talking to Josuke to remember. Still dripping water onto the floor, you rushed back to your room to pack a small bag. You would've gone outside right then if your stomach hadn't loudly declared it was empty.

You had virtually no energy. If you didn't eat something you'd collapse before you and Josuke left the mansion. The Higashikatas wouldn't mind if you grabbed something from the fridge, would they?

You went into the kitchen. Gleaming marble countertops and shiny appliances greeted you, as well as Daiya and Kei at the kitchen island.

"Morning," you croaked, wincing at how crusty you sounded.

"Morning, Y/N!" Daiya chirped. "Did you sleep well?" A pair of teacups sat in front of her and she pushed one toward you, almost as though she'd been waiting for you.

"Didn't sleep at all actually, but thanks for asking." You gulped down the tea. A little sweet but it helped.

"Good morning, L/N-san," Kei said. She was drying plates and replacing them in the cupboards. She didn't quite smile at you. "Would you like something to eat before you go out with Josuke?"

"Don't bother, I can just grab whatever you have from the fridge."

"It is not a problem. Norisuke-san gave me directions to look after you during your stay." With that, Kei whipped out some breakfast foods in a flurry. In no time at all, there was a bowl of miso soup, a rolled omelette and a bowl of fluffy white rice in front of you. Despite your protests, Kei began cutting cubes of cantaloupe and watermelon too.

You glanced at your phone and began shovelling food into your mouth. No time to argue. If you spent a minute on each dish, you should be able to make it.

Daiya watched you eat closely. Extremely closely, her eyes squinting a little as though she had trouble seeing you. "You're going out with Josuke today?"

"Mhm." You downed the miso soup in one gulp.

"Slow down. You'll choke. Are you in a hurry?"

You nodded. "Hard to explain, but I need to be out of here by eleven."

Daiya hummed. After a beat, she asked, "Y/N, what do you think happiness is?"

You didn't have time to chat with Daiya right now, but you felt bad ignoring her. "That might be too deep for someone who just woke up."

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