012 | strange new tourist.

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★ . . . NOT FOR THE FIRST TIME, Yasuho went home only to find her mother passed out in front of a blaring TV, a bottle of alcohol leaking into the couch from where she'd knocked it over.

"Can't you at least try to clean up after yourself?" Yasuho snapped, snatching up the bottle. She tried to blot at the couch with a kitchen towel.

"You're finally home," her mother mumbled. She tried to sit up. "Do you want dinner? There's still some take-out in the fridge."

Yasuho huffed. She took the towel to the sink to wring it out, crouching to check the alcohol cabinet.

"Mom, did you drink everything in here?! You still had four bottles left!"

"Why buy it if you're not gonna drink it?" Yasuho's mother slunk into the kitchen. "I'll microwave your food for you."

"I don't want it. We've been eating takeout for the past week."

"Then I can cook you something—"

"You can barely stand, Mom." Yasuho threw the towel into the sink. She screwed her eyes shut, forcing herself to take a few deep breaths. "Just go to bed."

"You're always out," her mother chided, poking her cheek. "You never come home."

"Because I have classes." Yasuho pushed her mother's hand away. "Go to bed. I'll be fine."

Her mother frowned. Then she made a gagging noise. "I need to throw up."

The sound of her mother's retching forced Yasuho out of the house. She had talked to her mother about changing things, finding something her mother could be passionate about. Sometimes Yasuho thought she might be getting better, but then her mother would give in and they would switch roles; Yasuho cleaning up and fretting after her impulsive, oblivious mother.

Yasuho thought briefly of calling her father, but decided against it. Instead, she let the streets take her where they would, following one street lamp to the other. Eventually, her neighbourhood gave way to night insects and restless trees.

It had been a while since Yasuho had been to this playground. She'd gone all the time with her dad as a kid. The swings had been her favourite.

She bought a drink from one of the nearby vending machines, a can of sweet iced-tea. She was about to take a seat on one of the swings when she noticed someone already there. She would have left them alone if she hadn't caught their face in profile, their mouth stiffly downturned. They held themselves so carefully, the way you did when you didn't want yourself to fall apart.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Leave me the hell alone."

Yasuho drew back. "That's a little rude. I don't even know who you are."

They turned to look at her, and the intensity of their gaze made Yasuho's breath catch. They hissed out a swear, scrubbing a hand over their face. Nonetheless, their red-rimmed eyes gave it away.

"Sorry. Just in a shit mood right now."

"That's fair." Yasuho hesitated, then took the swing beside the stranger. She held out her drink. "Here. You look like you need it."

They stared at the can, then took it. Silence settled between them. Yasuho studied the stranger from the corner of her eye. Their clothes were cute, as though they'd just gotten out from a date. Was that why they looked so miserable?

Yasuho gave herself a little kick to start swinging. "So what are you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

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