010 | fun fun fun.

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You crouched down, wanting to help Karera up but afraid you would make things worse. You gingerly brought up Karera's hand to see where the blood was coming from. A thin line of crimson trailed down her wrist, clotting together into a Q-shaped symbol on the back of Karera's hand. Looking down at Karera's feet revealed the same thing.

"You need to get out," Karera said. At first you thought her voice was weak from pain but it was more like she was intentionally keeping her voice quiet. She grasped at your shirt frantically, her face bloodless. "Don't worry about me. Just go!"

"What's going on? I'm not just gonna leave you here," you hissed. You turned to Josuke. "Can you find a towel or something? We need to wipe this blood off."

Josuke's face was pinched. He moved around Karera to reach for the kitchen towel hanging from the stove.

"Don't touch that!" Karera gasped. Josuke instantly flinched back.

"He's trying to help you," you said.

Josuke picked up one corner of the towel. His eyes widened. "There are ... needles in this towel." Looking closer, you could see that someone had pierced dozens of little needles through the cloth. Dread prickled along your spine. You got to your feet. "I'm calling the police. Someone must have broken into the villa."

"Wait," said Josuke. He pointed at you. "What's that on your hand?"

You turned your hand over. A blood-red symbol gleamed on your skin.

"But how?" Had you gotten Karera's blood on you somehow? You hadn't touched anything in this house yet except that stupid slipper and—

—the light switch.

You hurried towards it. A thumbtack was stuck just under the switch, barely noticeable unless you were looking for it.

Panic made your voice pitchy. "Josuke, call the police."

"We can't," he said. His eyes scanned the kitchen, taking everything in. "This has to be a Stand."

A Stand? You went back into the kitchen, suddenly feeling exposed.

"There was a thumbtack in your slipper earlier, right?" Josuke tightened his jaw. "Check your foot."

You rolled down your sock and inhaled sharply. A red mark.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Whoever attacked Karera is still here. Besides the symbols, she doesn't look hurt. I'm guessing that means they have to be nearby to start their attack."

You barely processed half the words coming out of Josuke's mouth. "Maybe we should get out of here then," you said. You looked at Karera. She pressed her lips together and nodded.

"We know you're hiding somewhere!" Josuke shouted suddenly. "Call off your Stand! Now!"

"Shhhh!" Karera pushed herself up, waving her hands. "Be quiet! You can't make noise! If they hear you, they'll—"

Karera jolted upright. Her hand stretched into the air and slammed against one of the cupboards.

"Karera, what are you doing?"

"It's not me! I can't control my hand!"

Karera's hand scrabbled around until the cupboard swung open. She lurched forward, reaching inside to scoop out the dishes inside and fling them onto the floor. The porcelain shattered in a deafening crash. Josuke shoved you behind him, bringing up his arms to shield himself. You stopped him too late. Blood slid down his palms, clotting together into the same mark you and Karera had.

OKOSHI ─  jojolion.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن