Chapter Six - Scarlett

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✰✦✰ Chapter Six ✰✦✰" Scarlett "

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✰✦✰ Chapter Six ✰✦✰
" Scarlett "

"HAVE YOU EVER been to Sagax Isle?" I asked Darius as I poured myself some water into a glass.

We were on the Royal Ship, sailing our way to Sagax Isle to go to an event. To be honest, I still didn't know exactly what for. I was a little clueless and hoping that someone would fill me in by the time we got to the event. After all, we were only there because I had to make more appearances to appear more likeable and suitable and skilled enough to be Queen. My coronation was soon and people still needed hope that I would be a good leader for them.

Darius looked out of the window as we stood, drinking his own water and sighed. "No."

We hadn't really talked about my outburst of powers yet and a part of me filled with gratitude because of that. Because, if we talked about my outburst, we'd have to talk about the fact that I brought the kiss up. And I didn't want that. Ever.

"How come? I thought everyone had been there at least once. Or do they have a special rule for not letting psychotic pricks in?" I said sarcastically. "In which case, I don't blame them. Don't take it personally, Ambers, I'm sure it happens to lots of people."

"What a comfort," he replied dryly. Then knit his eyebrows and asked, "But why am I psychotic? What have I ever done tha—"

"For one," I raised my index finger, "you kidnapped me."

Darius circled his inner cheek with his tongue in irritation. "I had to, remember. You'll have to let it go eventually."

I smiled cruelly. "Never."

The chatter stopped there for a moment and I stared ahead at the views of the ocean beneath us. Then a question popped into my head and I asked it aloud, "I have a question."

Darius considered me. "Ask me."

"How come. . ." I trailed off, wondering how I was going to phrase this without sounding like I fancied him. "How come you wanted to train me? You offered. . .why?"

Darius studied me carefully, like he was picking his words internally. He stammered out a few pathetic sounds as if trying to start a sentence but failing miserably. I tried not to laugh at him for his attempts but found my eyes glued to his muscular arm as it reached up to touch the back of his neck in thought.


A chuckle escaped me. "You nervous?"

Suddenly, confidence oozed off him, staring me right in the face. "Nervous?" he repeated. Darius leaned in and I could've gotten drunk off the look in his eyes.

Oh, how much easier this would be if I were a Lyra. "Yes."

He leaned back again and I spotted the glimmer of amusement twinkling in his eyes. Tucking his hands into his pockets he said,"I'm not nervous, Princess. You're the one who looks it."

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