Chapter Sixteen - Scarlett Solaris

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✰✦✰ Chapter Sixteen ✰✦✰" Scarlett "

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✰✦✰ Chapter Sixteen ✰✦✰
" Scarlett "

"GOOD GIRL," I stroked Venus's soft inky black fur and dropped her off in her stable. She chewed on the carrot I'd offered her and a sigh left my lips.

The morning was chilly, fitting for the weather that mid April usually offered. I breathed into the cold air, a cloud of mist forming from my lips. I'd needed that ride this morning. I'd needed to get out and clear my head as best I could before my interview this afternoon.

Two days ago, the Museum Of Art & History on Diamanda Isle had been abolished by the very creature I wanted gone so far off this earth, the history books wouldn't remember them: Another Shadow Stealer attack had occurred, leaving the civilians of Diamanda Isle paralysed with fear. I'd had long discussions with each Head of Isle that very same evening about Jacks when we exited our meeting and the ground beneath us shook. Apparently the impact of the attack had been so powerful it had gone through the isle itself, leaving a narrow yet very long tunnel of dirt that led to the sea beneath the museum. It was terrifying that, along with stealing one's soul, the monsters that were Shadow Stealers—the strongest of them, at least—could throw balls of their power at anything and destroy their target instantaneously.

Yesterday morning I had then sent word to every Head of Isle to check up on them and see if they could provide me with any updates. Thankfully—however also very unfortunately—Maloa Kingsley, Head of Diamanda Isle, had been able to inform me that it was his isle that had been attacked. Immediately, I'd sent some of my soldiers there to guard the place in case the monsters returned but no news had unravelled itself so far.

Instead, I was left with an interview to conduct about my own reign and now, additionally, the attack and what I believed it meant. I would tell the interviewer that some deluded terrorist had caused the attack, not a Shadow Stealer that had travelled to a distant isle and caused horrendous damage. The public, of course, knew not that Shadow Stealers were returning. That they'd never left, in fact. They just thought these attacks were being carried out by something far more mysterious, but it was Goldaria's best scientists that had discovered the truth behind the increasing attacks. For the Shadow Stealers usually attacked at night, making yesterday's strike exceptionally odd. It was as if the monsters were daring one another to be braver and pounce when more civilians would be harmed.

It was safe to say I wasn't looking forward to this afternoon whatsoever.

"Morning," Jacks's voice sounded from outside.

I peered through the stable and spotted him leaning against the wood pole with his black cloak draped over his shoulders and his arms crossed. A smile rose from my numbing lips. "Hey," I said, leaving Venus be and approaching my friend instead. "What are you doing here?"

"Thought I'd join you this morning before you get ready for your interview."

"How sweet," I snorted. "Sure Rinne won't kill you if she sees you?"

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