Chapter Thirteen - Luna

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✰✦✰ Chapter Thirteen ✰✦✰

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✰✦✰ Chapter Thirteen ✰✦✰

" Luna "

WE ALL SAT at the breakfast table in silence and didn't dare speak a word of what had happened the night prior. But I was desperate to—I wanted to know why Sarinne appeared even angrier than usual, with what Miles called a "resting bitch face", and why Scarlett and Darius seemed to be avoiding eye contact with each other. Were Miles and I the only ones acting normally despite our situation?

"So," I said, placing my knife and fork next to my now empty plate. Pancakes were my favourite and I had scoffed them down before anyone else did. "How's everyone doing?"

Scarlett caught my eye and stared into them for a while before glancing back down at her food and continuing to eat it.

Darius and Sarinne didn't even look at me.

Miles seemed to be just as confused as I was while he stared around the long table.

"Hello?" I spoke aloud.

No reply.

"Is no one going to answer me? Are we just going to have breakfast in silence?"

Darius shot me a look. "Maybe we want to, Luna."

I frowned. "No."

"What do you mean no?" asked Sarinne.

"I mean no," I emphasised. "I don't want to have breakfast in silence like we're some dysfunctional family that can't have food together without arguing."

"She's right," sighed Scarlett, letting her cutlery clatter to her plate. I jumped slightly as she ran her hands through her hair. "We can't do this. We can't avoid this conversation—"

"Disagree," Sarinne cut in, her eyes passionate and fiery. "We don't ever have to talk about it."

Miles rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat, folding his arms. "It? His name isn't taboo, Astor."

She glared at him. "But it's more than disgusting to refer to someone like him as human."

"Okay, stop."

Scarlett's demand made me freeze even though I hadn't said anything. Now I was worried that I'd started this whole conversation only for it to lead to even more conflict within the group.

"Stop it," she repeated. "What you're doing. . .it isn't fair, alright? We tried to have this discussion yesterday but apparently some people are more sensitive towards it than I thought," One swift yet sharp look at Sarinne only confirmed that Scarlett was rather pissed off at her. Oh God, what have I done?

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