Chapter Seven - Sarinne

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✰✦✰ Chapter Seven ✰✦✰" Sarinne "

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✰✦✰ Chapter Seven ✰✦✰
" Sarinne "

"YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T look at these pictures," Luna warned me, slamming the book shut while blushing furiously, like something inside of it had mortified her.

I raised my eyebrows. "How many times do I have to tell you not to look in that section?" I said. Here in the library, Scarlett's parents and ancestors had some weird section in which very inappropriate books found themselves—sexually inappropriate—and some even had pictures in them, graphic ones too. Luna and I were spending our morning sorting out the different shelves that had been rattled and shaken around during the explosion of the chamber beneath the castle a few weeks ago. Servants and workers here had offered to do the job for us but Luna and I were both equally determined to have something to do until Scarlett's coronation, and even that wasn't for another couple weeks or so.

But this library. . .it made me forget about all my problems. In the heart of the castle, nestled within ancient stone walls, laid an extraordinary sanctuary of knowledge and splendour—the library. With its towering shelves adorned in a regal dance of dark wood and gold leaf, the library exuded a hallowed air of wisdom. Sunlight streamed through ornate windows, casting a warm glow upon countless volumes that stood like sentinels, guarding the secrets of centuries. The scent of aged parchment and the hushed whispers of turning pages enveloped visitors, creating an ambiance that transcended time. Grand arches and vaulted ceilings adorned with frescoes wove tales of history, as if the very walls had absorbed the knowledge they cradled. Each step resonated on the polished marble floor, echoing the footsteps of scholars who sought solace and inspiration within these sacred walls. Gilded ladders glided along the shelves, revealing treasures hidden in the tomes' leather-bound embrace. The library stood as a testament to the craftsmanship of a bygone era, where every detail, from the meticulously carved woodwork to the celestial ceiling, painted a portrait of reverence for the written word. As the sunlight faded, an ethereal glow emanated from the softly lit chandeliers, casting an enchanting spell on the patrons. The library, a timeless haven, invited those who entered to lose themselves in the vast sea of literature and to become part of the living tapestry of human understanding.

"I know," my blonde friend said innocently. "I just can't tell them apart. I really wish Scarlett's stupid parents would've put some sort of tab on these books."

I grinned. "That said what? There's multiple cocks and vaginas pictured in these books, beware."

Luna's eyes snapped open even wider. "Nothing like that, Rinne."

I shook my head with a laugh.

"Hey," she said and I hummed a yes, my attention remaining on the books in my hands. "You don't have an issue with me calling you that, do you?"

I frowned, met her eyes again and asked, "Why would I?"

Luna shrugged. "Dunno. Maybe because it's more of a nickname reserved for people super close to you and I don't know if you consider us close or—"

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