Chapter Twelve - Sarinne

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✰✦✰ Chapter Twelve ✰✦✰" Sarinne "

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✰✦✰ Chapter Twelve ✰✦✰
" Sarinne "

JACKS WALKED OUT the door, his head low in shame and I realised I'd never seen him like that before.

My fists curled at the sight of him. He was supposed to be in the dungeons—hidden and locked away so that I would never have to face the traitor again. I was going to eventually, but only to beat him up a little here and there for everything he did to us. Especially to Scar.

I jumped up from my seat. "What's he doing out?"

"I'm not a dog, Astor." Jacks had the nerve to respond.

I shot him my nastiest glare. "I think you must be some kind of twisted animal if you think it okay to even breathe in our direction at this point."

He simply kept his eyes on me but didn't say a word. I didn't enjoy how uneasiness flooded me so easily in his presence.

Darius stepped forward. "Care to explain, Solaris?"

Scarlett glanced between him and Jacks while I wondered where Miles was. For the first time in my whole life I was desperate for that git to get here as soon as possible to give the blonde idiot a good beating. A beating that I wouldn't be able to follow through with by myself if I didn't have help—even from Miles.

"He claims. . ." Scarlett closed her eyes and rubbed them, stressed. Only then did I notice she appeared to have been crying. I frowned in confusion, perhaps even rage. If that scumbag made her cry somehow I'd give him proper tears later on, those which he'd be crying out whilst begging for my nonexistent mercy. "He claims to have changed. And I realise it sounds like the most lame excuse any prick has ever tried using before but—and I say this loosely, I may be wrong—he told me the full story. Everything. His whole. . ." She waved a haphazard hand around his face. "Life story and all."

I tried to keep the most evil comments in my throat and instead said coldly, "You believe him? Scar, I love you but I really wouldn't be so naive with him. He's betrayed us before, he can do it again."

She glanced at Jacks and he turned his head simultaneously, the both of them sharing a strange sort of look, the kind that gave me the feeling they knew more than the rest of us.

However, before anyone could utter another word, the marble double doors swung open and in stormed Miles. He seemed rather calm, even as Luna and I gasped in fright of his entrance, until he looked up. When he saw Jacks, his entire mood seemed to shift and I could see it by simply looking into his eyes. Their normal fire transformed into deadly explosives aimed right at the blond and I had to admit—it intimidated me a little. Though I knew his anger wasn't directed at me, a part of me felt responsible and guilty for the pain that Jacks was about to endure.

Miles darted forward and in an instant, Darius was already hauling him back, saying he was stupid for thinking he could take Jacks on, saying he didn't need to start any fight, advising him to just listen. But Miles was spitting some of the most vulgar insults I'd ever heard right at Darius, warning him of the hurt he'd experience if he didn't let go. Jacks didn't move. I was surprised Darius didn't punch Miles in the face for the egregious things he was spitting at him. The whole thing was rather maddening to watch but I found myself eager for Darius to just release Miles and allow him to beat the life out of the traitor in the room.

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