Chapter Twenty-Three - Luna

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✰✦✰ Chapter Twenty-Three ✰✦✰" Luna "

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✰✦✰ Chapter Twenty-Three ✰✦✰
" Luna "

"SHE'S DOING SO well," I commented with a smile.

There she was, sitting on her well deserved throne with a crown atop her head. It slipped ever so briefly and yet her entire team gasped in horror, as if she'd just placed a curse on the whole kingdom. Her cheeks blushed and she squeezed her eyes shut, cringing but pride filled me regardless.

"We shouldn't be spying on her," said Sarinne.

I chuckled. "Doesn't change the fact that we are. Do you plan on stopping any time soon?"

"No," She snorted. "I'm still waiting for her to explode in anger. She's been complaining about rehearsals all week."

"Won't be much longer and she won't have to rehearse anymore," I squealed, beaming as we continued to stare from behind the wall. "She'll be the real thing."

"She'd kill us if she knew we were here."

"She doesn't know, we'll be fine."

"We could always tell her."

Sarinne and I spun round in unison, our eyes catching on the three boys standing before us. Miles, Jacks and Darius were all looking at us—well, to be fair, Darius's stare was directed elsewhere. More in a certain soon-to-be-crowned brunette's direction.

Still, my heart grew in size in their presence. I always felt we weren't all around each other enough and now that we knew the truth behind Jacks's past, we somehow felt closer. Like magnets constantly pulling the six of us together.

"Hey," I said cheerfully. "I didn't even notice you sneak up behind us."

"That was the point," Jacks smirked.

Sarinne rolled her eyes, folding her arms over her chest like some protective shield. "What are you all doing here?"

"Doing the same as you apparently," Miles snorted, nodding in Darius's direction.

Whilst the rest of us had a laugh, the poor idiot that was Darius Ambers only slowly allowed his gaze to travel back to us. Finally the tension in his muscles rested and he gave a weak smile.

"You alright, Luna?" he asked me.

I swayed on my heels. "Better than ever. You?"

"Roughly the same," he said.

Sarinne grinned. "I bet."

"What's that—" He stopped, glancing between the remaining four of us. "Oh, you bastards."

I shrugged my shoulders. "We never said anything."

"You didn't have to," he snapped back at all of us. "Your stupid faces are saying it for you."

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