Original Versions

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This is the collection of the OG versions of my now-edited one-shots! I didn't want to take away the OG versions because I wanted to remind myself how far I've come.

[Bleeding for Clarke]

Bellamy's POV:

The echo of knuckles hitting bare flesh bounced around the hallway. My knees ache from being made to kneel on the hard ground. Poor Miller is getting hit in the face every two seconds by A.L.I.E's puppets. My blood is boiling at the sight but there is nothing I can do. I close my eyes and put my head down wishing the noise would stop.

All at once the noise ceased and the puppets began to speak in unison. "She wants Bellamy. She says he's the only way Clarke will talk." My head shoots up at the sound of their voices. Fear instantly takes over my body and I struggle to not let it show.

Octavia's stone-cold exterior cracks and she begins to yell. "No! What about Abby? Clarke will crack if you hurt her!" The man turns to my sister and tilts his head to the side. He opened his mouth and a robotic female voice came out.

"Clarke's mother was already used. She is dead. Clarke was stabbed twice just above her breasts. She will not talk. Through all of the memories of your people, I can see that Clarke will never sacrifice Bellamy Blake." After the AI finishes speaking, the man rams O in the stomach with the butt of his rifle. She doubles over and groans in pain.

I open my mouth to yell at him but they take the chance to gag me. With heavy metal chains around my wrists and ankles, I have no strength and let them drag me along. My thoughts drifted around my mind and naturally land on Clarke. It's like she is engraved into my brain. Ever since I met her, even in times of fear- I think of her. Her sunny blond hair and ocean blue eyes.

I have no idea why I think of her and do my best to push those thoughts away. I begin to prepare myself for the pain I will no doubt suffer and the blood I will lose. Because I wasn't paying attention to what was going on, I didn't notice when I was dragged into the throne room until the sun hit my eyes.

The sight in front of me will give me nightmares in the future. That is- if I live long enough to sleep again. Clarke is strapped to a wooden pole in the middle of the room with blood dripping from her stab wounds. Tears are streaming down her face and she keeps saying she's sorry. I glance to my left and my eyes widen. Abby is hanging from a noose around her neck and I can hear faint hiccups.

The puppets drag me into the room to put me in front of Clarke and shove me, making me fall flat on my face and biting my tongue in the process. Blood slowly leaks from my mouth and I spit it out when they yank me up. She looks me in the eyes and starts sobbing louder. In her eyes, I see only two emotions. Regret and heartbreak. I give her a small smile, trying to show her I don't blame her, but she continues to sob and tell me how sorry she is. They take my gag off and just let us stare at each other for a few minutes.

My heart breaks for her and I let a single tear trail down my cheek. It's not long before I feel a fist connect with my jaw and a wave of pain follows. Seconds later a foot kicks me in the ribs and I can't stop the groans of pain from leaving my lips. I quickly roll over and cough up my blood before I choke on it.

The bastards continue to beat me for what feels like hours and the only other sounds besides the ones I produce, are loud sobs from Clarke. I can hear her begging for them to stop, but they fall on deaf ears. I can feel the anger and helplessness radiating off of her. I know she can't just give up the passphrase, so I prepare myself for death.

A few minutes of kicks and punches later A.L.I.E's goons stop their rain of pain and yank me to my knees for the twentieth time today. I take large gulps of air and look up at Clarke. Her face is streaked with tears and red from anger. "A.L.I.E.! If you don't stop, I will never give up the passphrase. Please leave him alone. Please!"

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