Road trip (part 2 of 2)

442 15 2

[Originally published July 01, 2019]

[Edited February 20, 2024]

⚠️This chapter has 18+ rated content. If you prefer not to read that, there will be a warning before the smutty part.


"Bellamy! Get up ya lug! And wake up the sleeping beauty too. We're makin' a pit stop!" Raven shouts at me, still pissed about me eating her chocolate.

Shaw follows her quietly, flashing me an apologetic smile and hugs her from behind to try to calm her down. I nod in thanks, starting to stretch when I notice there's something in my lap. I look down and my eyes widen.

Clarke's head is there. Taking slow deep breaths, I try to stay calm at the position she's in. Her mouth is right next to my dick. Her warm breath fans it, the sensation piercing its way through my jeans and boxers.

I close my eyes, trying to stop unclean and erotic thoughts flashing through my mind. I've always been attracted to my best friend and this is driving me crazy. Clarke is everything I've ever wanted in a person, but it took me too long to realise it. By the time I had, she was with Lexa. When she and Lexa had broken up, I was with Gina. By the time we broke up, she was with Nyla, and then I got together with Echo. We've always had the worst timing. I desperately wish to tell her how I feel; I want to get drunk on her kisses and make love to her all day. Bellamy calm down and just sit her u-

Clarke shifts her body in her sleep, distracting me from scolding myself. Her tasty lips now press against me through my pants and I can't help but let out a low groan. Holy shit... She hums and moans softly in her sleep, causing my dick to get a tad hard despite how hard I'm working to keep my blood flowing to literally anywhere else. She's going to be the death of me!

"Mmm... Bellamy..."

My ears perk up. Is she dreaming about me? I rapidly shake my head and take deep breaths. This is getting to be too much for me to handle. I gently grab her shoulders and lean her against the window. Leaving one of my hands on her shoulder, I softly shake her.

"Clarke! Get up."


"We're at a gas station. Get up lazy bones."

"Nah I'm tired...."

"Clarke, they have pizza," I smirk, knowing the food will get her up and moving. She looks at me with wide eyes and practically teleports out of the car.

I sit there silently for a while and try to decide what to do about my issue. I could sit here and hope it goes away or take care of it in the bathroom. I don't want to go into the bathroom to deal with it, but I also don't want to just sit here. What am I going to do?

I sit there in agony. Well if I'm going to suffer, I might as well get some food. I get out of the car and go into the QT. Colourful chip bags and the smell of fresh pizza and cooking hot dogs greet me. Walking farther in, I start grabbing my favourite chips and a couple of slices of pizza. I then looked at the doughnuts and lean forward slightly to get a better look.

"Damn, baby! You've got a nice ass!" A woman stays before she taps my butt.

I whip around, ready to not so politely tell her to screw off when I realise it was Clarke. I should have known. Clarke smiles and starts laughing.

"You do have a cute little butt though," she says through giggles.

I pretend to look offended. "Little?! I have a nice juicy ass thank you!" I playfully pout and look at her. God, she's so hot.

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