Missed the Plane

415 12 18

[Originally published November 06, 2019]

[Edited February 24, 2024]


I sigh in annoyance before plopping down in the airport's cheap, plastic chairs. After all that rushing around and stressing, I still missed my flight back to Australia. I'd be on board relaxing in first class by now if I hadn't slept in. My only two options now are to bunk in the airport or get a hotel. Yeahhh, I'm not sleeping on these hard, nasty ass seats.

Deciding on a hotel for the night, I look around, ready to leave. Just then, I spot a small book store about three hundred feet from where I'm sitting. Being the book lover I am, I grab my luggage and curiously walk to it.

Books are crammed into small metal shelves in the twenty by twenty space and in the left-hand corner, a small desk with a cash register on it stands, hidden amongst the books. Now, this is my kind of place!

Dragging my luggage with me, I slowly scan through the books till I find one that interests me.

"'The 100'? Oh, I've heard of the show. It's supposed to be good!" I think out loud before I read the summary.

Satisfied with my find, I buy the book along with the other three in the series. The sales guy said if I bought the whole series I could get half off the full price and I wasn't about to pass up that deal. I wave to the guy and leave with my new books in a plastic bag.

How am I going to get to a hotel? I see people getting into a taxi and mentally facepalm. I roll my eyes at my stupidity and take out my phone, booking a taxi. With nothing else to do, I find a bench to sit down on and start to read.

I barely get to the end of the first few chapters before a man sits next to me. He looks pissed off, so I figure it's best not to talk to him. Silently, I try to focus back on the story, but can't help but steal glances of him.

If this guy is lacking in some department, it's definitely not looks. He has beautifully tanned, olive skin with lush, curly black hair. To accompany his already stunning features, his jawline could cut steel and the heavy spray of freckles on his face softens his otherwise intimidating beauty. He's so gorgeous and I end up staring a moment too long.

"What are you looking at?" He snaps, scowling. As soon as the words leave his mouth, his annoyed look softens. "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like an asshole- I just missed my flight, so I'm pissed off."

"Oh! Umm, it's okay! I missed my flight too, which is why I am here... Waiting for my taxi..." I let my words drift off awkwardly..

"You got a taxi? Where are you going?"

I shrug in response. "I have no clue. I was just going to ask the driver to take me to the closest hotel."

He smiles. "Can I ride with you? I might as well do the same."

I nod. "So... Are you from Australia as well? " I ask curiously. I hear an accent, but I don't know if it's just my tired mind hearing things.

"Yeah, I am! I thought I detected an accent! We must have missed the same flight then, huh?"

I chuckle, "Probably." He's even prettier when he doesn't look like he wants to murder someone.

Just then, the taxi pulls up and I get a notification on my phone. "Our chariot awaits!" I announce.

We each grab our things and pack into the car. Getting in, I sigh as I relax into the relatively comfy seats.

"Can you please take us to the closest hotel?" I ask.

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