Road Trip (part 1 of 2)

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[Originally published March 09, 2019]

[Edited February 20, 2024]


"Good lord woman! How long does it take to put makeup on?!" I holler up the stairs.

"If you're so bothered, go pack the car!" Clarke yells back at me.

I roll my eyes and curse under my breath. We were supposed to leave forty minutes ago. Keyword: supposed. But, Clarke wasn't packed, she didn't have her makeup on and was still in her freaking pyjamas.

While I impatiently wait for her to hurry downstairs, my phone rings for the millionth time today. In three days, my newly ex-girlfriend, Echo, has called me over a hundred times. I listened to a couple of her messages and they were something along the lines of "Baby! Come back! I've changed!"

I roll my eyes at her attempt to get me back. Three days ago, I caught her cheating on me with her boss, Roan. We both found out that she was dating us at the same time and had been cheating for years. Needless to say, both of us are going on this trip with some friends.

Raven, Murphy, Monty, Emori, Harper, Jasper, Maya, Octavia, Lincoln, and Shaw are all coming on this trip. Everyone is in a relationship. Raven with Shaw, Jasper with Maya, Emori with Murphy, Octavia with Lincoln, and Monty with Harper. Roan, Clarke and I are the only single ones.

Raven, Shaw, Roan, Clarke, and I will all be in the same car. Normally, I would want my little sister, Octavia, with me, but I want to give her space to be with Lincoln. Other than my car situation, I have no idea how the others want to organize themselves.

I roll my eyes. She is taking forever. Cupping my hands around my mouth, I shout, "Clarke! If you don't hurry your prissy ass up, I swear to God I wil-"

I'm interrupted by a gorgeous Clarke rushing down the stairs. Her sun-gold hair flies behind her as she rushes down the stairs of our apartment building. "Shut up! I'm coming!"

When she reaches the bottom floor she shoots me a dirty look which I respond to with a lopsided grin. I sneak a dozen or so glances at her and look at the ground to hide my blush. Her beautiful mane is wild and untamed, its golden strands going frizzy due to the humidity. Her soft skin is as flawless as ever, and her ocean-blue eyes resemble water when she steps into the sunlight. Her glowing hair compliments her simple attire like a halo. She has on a plain, red tank top and ripped, denim shorts. To top off her outfit, she wore a small, silver necklace and some black Nikes. Her father's watch is snuggly wrapped around her wrist and a playful scowl on her beautiful face.

"You're so impatient!" She says accusingly as she jabs her finger into my shoulder.

I frown, poking her forehead. "That hurt, Clarke!" I whine while I rub my shoulder.

She rolls her eyes at me and sticks out her tongue at me. "Now let's go! We're late you lazy man!"

"But you're the one who-"

She puts her hand over my mouth and looks at me with a death glare. "Hush now child. A Queen is never late. Everyone is simply early!" She declares.

"Too bad you're only a princess, princess," I say with a smirk making its way to my face.

She shoots me another death glare. "I'll have you know-"

I cut her off by picking her up, tossing her over my shoulder and then, plopping her annoying ass in the passenger's seat.

"You talk too much. Let's go!" I say grinning.

I jog around to the driver's side and hop in the seat. "Are you ready kids?!" I yell.

"Ay ay, Captain!"

"I can't hear you!"

"Ay ay, Captain!" Clarke yells louder. "Now hit the gas and let's get this party started!"


"Fucking hell! We were thinking of leaving you guys. What took you so long? You're almost an hour and a half late!" Raven yells at me before smacking me upside the head.

"Ouch! What the hell is with everyone injuring me today?" I grumble.

She crosses her arms and mumbles something along the lines of, "It was supposed to hurt, dumbass."

"Love you too, Birdie!" I holler at her as she walks away.

"You son of a-!" She whips around and begins to run towards me. Shit.

I spin on my heel and speed off away from her. She's going to kill me for calling her that. I run into her gigantic house and navigate my way to the kitchen. Looking around, I spot my hiding place: The pantry. Not only can I eat her food, but I can also keep from getting murdered by her; It's a win-win.

I glance behind me briefly and sprint to the door. As soon as I close the door, I flick on the light, quickly find some candy, and then turn the light back off. Score! Chocolate! Clarke's words from one time I ate her chocolate were, "Never steal a girl's chocolate." Oh well, I guess I'm going to die today.

"Bellamy! Where the hell are you!? Come out so I can kick your ass!" I hear Raven yelling. She's so close to the pantry. I hear small squeaks as she walks towards me. The door handle slowly begins to turn while I stare at the handle on my side in horror.

"Hey, Raven! What are you doing?" My saviour asks. It's Clarke. Thank you, Lord.

"Looking for your stupid best friend so I can kill him," she replies.

Clarke giggles. "Oh. That's all then? You get he's your best friend too, right? So we're both stuck with his annoying ass."

Raven groans. "Yeah... you will be stuck with him longer though. After you tell him how you-"

"Oh yeah! I think he ran upstairs! He's probably in the bathroom or something! Go look up there and I'll stay down here and keep watch for him!" Clarke sputters.

Raven laughs and I can practically hear the daggers Clarke is shooting her with her eyes. Tell me what? Was she going to say how you feel? No, it can't be. I think about what Raven said. I wonder what she was going to say.

While I'm in my thoughts I don't notice the door opening until Clarke is right in front on me. "This is a horrible hiding place. Death wish much?" She laughs. "Although, there is some good food in here."

"How did you know?" I ask.

"Dude. I've known you since we were young. You always hide in the pantry," she chuckles, poking me in the stomach. Her touch alone makes me feel flustered.

"Well... uhh... it's not my fault I'm not creative.." I say in defence. Clarke starts cracking up at my poor attempt to keep some of my pride. "Okay, okay. Laugh it up," I grumble.

My cheeks flush as. She steps further into the pantry, pressing her body against mine as she grabs something off the shelf.

"Let's get into the car before Raven loses her mind."

"Yeah, yeah! I'm coming, princess."


*waves from behind Bellamy* Hey guys! Please don't kill me for being late and leaving y'all on a cliffhanger... I am having some writer's block and a lot is going on.

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