Traitors Who They Love (part 2 of 2)

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[Originally published December 27, 2018]

[Edited February 18, 2024]


Wonkru is loud and excited. The two most powerful leaders on Earth will be fighting to the death. Bets are placed without Octavia's knowledge and lust for blood is high.

A few worry for the safety of the lovers who never got the chance to be, while most are worried about betting on the wrong co-leader.

Bellamy and Clarke can hear the horrible excitement building up in the arena, causing their fear to grow. They need a way out, but so far, nothing can be done. There's no light at the end of the tunnel this time- no thrown together at the last second way out. Their luck had finally run out.

Wonkru guards rush to get the pair out of their cells and into the cages because they too placed bets. Surprisingly, the guards find it easy to get each soulmate out of their cells and into the arena. The second Clarke and Bellamy see one another, they run into the other's arms. Tears stream both cheeks as they pull away, standing side by side, holding hands. Their love for each other is still strong and penetrates the cold hearts of Wonkru.

Octavia's second in command, Indra, stands completely still because she knows if she moves, she will run to Octavia and beg her to change her mind. She'd seen so much and she knew that this would break her heart. Indra didn't exactly have the best relationship with the two- especially not Bellamy Blake- but even she could see the devastation this would cause. No bond that strong would be easy to severe and absolutely no good could come of this. No matter who dies here today, one death will kill both of them.

The crowd collectively holds their breaths when the pair continued to stand together, staring right at Octavia. Only peace and love for one another could be seen on their faces.

Octavia moves to the balcony and raises a hand to the crowd. They all looked up at her, anger for many different reasons evident in the atmosphere. "The rules are the same as the conclave. Be the last!" She declares with her hand still raised.

Bellamy and Clarke share a glance, sitting down gently on the bloodied floor, still hand in hand. Indra has a ghost of a smile on her face, enjoying the loyalty and love they have for one another. It left a somehow fresh scent in the otherwise muggy, metallic air.

Octavia's face twisted into one of anger. She couldn't believe Bellamy could love someone so much, that he would defy fear simply because he was in her presence. They stood back up, a strong and united front.

"Fight or I will kill you both!" She screams.

Clarke hangs her head. She knew showing their love wouldn't work. She would have to kill one more time. The Commander of Death took the dagger hidden in her boot and brought it to flesh.

She brought her warm lips to the shell of Bellamy's ear and spoke, letting her breath caress the side of his face. "I love you so much and I'm so sorry- I wish we had more time..." Clarke then let out quiet a grunt of pain.

The man she loves looks at her in confusion before widening his eyes at the sight of the black liquid that is her life, slowly bleeding away. Bellamy stood in shock for a few heartbeats, but then carefully sank to the floor with Clarke. He put her head in his lap and let the tears forming in his eyes fall free.

"No! Clarke! Please stay- please! I... I need you," he pleads, his voice dropping in volume, so only she could hear his next words. "I need your smile and your bright blue eyes. I need your laugh that reminds me of music and your love that I always knew was there but took for granted. Don't leave me here... no-not again..."

Clarke weakly ran her hand along the side of his face and used most of her energy to smile once more, just for him. "Take care of Madi for me... she will... need someone. She will need you. I... love you both. My family..." her words came out small and scared. Nothing like the women Bellamy knew.

Dark blood began to drip from Clarke's lips and eventually, she takes her last breath. Bellamy felt the life leave her and held her even tighter.

"No! No! No... it's not supposed to end this way... Princess, I love you. Please come back! Please just come back to me!" Bellamy wails. His entire world died with her.

Wonkru became completely silent. Wonhada was dead. She died to protect someone she loved. Indra felt tears threaten to spill and for once, she let them. Her soft cries mixed with others from the crowd.

Bellamy's roars of anguish and pain were soul-searing. He could feel their bond tearing as the indifferent blade of death sliced them apart. It isn't far.

No matter what anyone said about Clarke, the world had suddenly lost a perfect light.

Hello! I'm sorry it took so long to update! I had my birthday, my friend's birthday, I got sick (still am. Been sick for 2 weeks ugh), and then I had my mum's birthday and Christmas- Oh my! I hope y'all enjoyed part 2 and don't want to kill me! The next one-shot will be happy, I swear!

I love you guys! Thank you for all the reads and goodbye!!!

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