Traitors Who They Love (part 1 of 2)

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[Originally published October 14, 2018]

[Edited February 18, 2024]

Octavia's POV:

The second I saw Cooper dead, I knew it was Bellamy and Clarke: the team, the soulmates, the co-leaders- even after all these years apart. Those two could do anything to anyone together, and they would somehow pull through.

Sometimes, I hate the pair of them... They remind me too much of how Lincoln and I were. They have such a good thing and they don't even fucking realise it. They're always taking what they have for granted.

I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts I knew would come; the memories that battle their way to the walls of my sanity and continue to damage my mind. Please! The young girl in me cried. Please!

"Miller! Go find my brother and Clarke!" I yell at my third in command.

He trembles at my booming voice and I can see the internal war within the man. His eyes swim with fear, respect, and rage. But finally, he nods and walks off with a group of people with guns and an assortment of weapons. I will find you, Bellamy and I will get you, Clarke. Both of you will feel the pain I felt; the pain I still feel when my soulmate was ripped away from me by the cruel hands of death.


It took about an hour but I finally heard from a spy that Bellamy and Clarke were seen entering a tent across the camp. As of right now, some of my soldiers and I are walking to their location. The closer we get to the tent holding the suspects, the heavier my footsteps get. Can I really do this to my own flesh and blood? My family? The one person who has been there for me for my whole life? The man who practically raised me?

Yes, I can. You are Wonkru or you are the enemy of Wonkru. Bellamy and Clarke have chosen.

The team gets to the tent and we can hear the soft, husky laughter of Clarke; I can almost see the loving smile Bellamy is most likely giving her. My face falls again and I turn to see the puppy-like look Miller has on his face. It's like he is silently begging me to let them be happy for a few more moments. I shake my head and we rush into the tent.

Bellamy springs away from his position in front of Clarke. He's a little less than a foot away from her and she jumps up from her seat, making them almost touch.

"Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake, you both have been charged with the murder of Cooper and the attempted sabotage of the worms," I say to the wide-eyed pair. "You have both been sentenced to fight in the ring, together," I wait for the realisation of what I'm saying to dawn.

The sudden alarm covers their faces like a blanket. Bellamy looks at me and rapidly shakes his head.

"You two are to fight to the death tomorrow after the sun rises."

"Octavia! Don't do this! Please!" my brother begs me.

"Take them away. And since they are so keen on staying together- lock them up separately," I tell my guards, seemingly ignoring his pleas.

As I walk out of the tent, I can hear the cries of my older brother. The innocent little girl that is somehow still in me screams and crashes around in my conscience. She sobs and bangs on the walls I built around my heart. My heart itself quivers and sinks further into the pool of sadness it has been trapped in for a little over six years.

What am I doing?


The next day, I woke early with tears streaming down my face. Cuddling into the skins and furs of dead animals, I allowed a soul-shifting sob to wrack my body. When was the last time I cried? Three years ago maybe? What is wrong with me? I have to see him. He has to win.

My thoughts are jumbled as I rush to the cold cell holding Bellamy. I motion to the guard to open the door while attempting to calmly enter the cell. The only thing I see when I look ahead of me is my brother lying on his back.

The defeat on his face was so obvious that I could see it from four feet away in the dim light. "Her left side is still-"

"Go away, Octavia. I do not want to see you," he snarled.

"Bellamy... I'm your sister., your bloo- " I started to say, but Bellamy cut me off.

Suddenly, his large frame was towering over me, fury and barely contained violence rolling off of him. His eye held a bubbling, yet somehow controlled rage, the defeat that was there before gone without a trace.

"I'm your fucking brother! I have done so much for you, and you do this to me! Don't you dare talk about blood to me!" he shrieked, his voice going hoarse at the end. "If you go through with this... I will be your brother no more. And I will die not being your brother."

His words hit me like a train. He is going to let Clarke win. "You can't!" I scream in desperation.

"Watch me."

"Even if you let her win, she will have to fight again!"

"I don't care. You can't actually expect me to kill her, O! I-I just got her back... I can't and you know it."

There is nothing I can say that will change his mind. My brother is going to die because of me for the sake of Wanheda.

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