Failed Parents

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[Originally published May 20, 2024]

Third Person POV:

"Charlotte! I can't believe you!" Clarke rants as the young girl looks at her with wide eyes. "You murdered someone! You took their life to make yourself feel better!"

"Clarke-" Finn tries to intervene.

"No! Wells is dead because of her!"

"I was trying to slay my demons! Like Bellamy said!" The little girl sobs, hiding behind Bellamy as a child would hide behind their parent.

"Bellamy. What is she talking about?" Clarke asks darkly.

"Sh-she misunderstood me!" Bellamy answers, his voice wrought with panic. "Charlotte- that's not what I meant!"

"Charlotte!" Murphy rages outside of the tent, screaming and shouting for the little girl to come out.

Arguably, he's rationally angry about this entire situation; a mob did try to kill him for a crime he didn't commit. However, most of the crowd didn't think it was right to kill a little kid... they weren't on The Ark anymore, right?

"Clarke. We should try and get Charlotte out of here. They'll eat her alive," Bellamy reasons.

She nods in response. "You guys go. I'll try to distract them while you guys run," Finn rakes his fingers through his hair.

"Okay. Charlotte let's go," Bellamy grabs the young one's hand before looking at Clarke. She nods and all three of them move to the corner of the tent.

Finn swiftly exits the tent, holding his hands up and blabbering about how "two wrongs don't make a right", but Murphy couldn't care less. He shoulders past him into the tent, his rage boiling over when he realises the tent is empty.

"Come on Charlotte!" he bellows, not noticing Bellamy booking it into the forest, carrying her with Clarke close behind them.

The pair speed through the forest with the child, Bellamy naturally falling just a step behind Clarke as she leads them through the trees.

"You going somewhere specific, Princess?" he pants after several minutes of silent trekking.

"Art supplies store..." she mumbles in response.

"Hey," he growls, running in front of her before plopping Charlotte on her feet, "If you don't actually know where to go, then I'll lead us somewhere safe. There's a cave about-"

"I know where I'm going Bellamy," she snaps.

His eyes narrow. "You're still pissed that I let Murphy hang."

"Of course I am! If you had the balls to not go along with the mob mentality, then we wouldn't need to be running for this little girl's life!"

"This isn't on me Princess! If you had just handled it quietly like I wanted to, I wouldn't have needed to appease a mob by letting him hang!"

She scoffs, meeting his eyes in a challenge. "If you could control your men, then Murphy wouldn't even have been mobbed for the death of a kid whom most people in this damn camp didn't even like! His little power trips are on you, mister 'whatever-the-hell-we-want'!"

He takes a few steps towards her, seething, but she doesn't back down. "Well if you-"

"Stop it!" Charlotte cries out with tears in her eyes. "It's my fault. I killed Wells. I'm the only reason this is happening."

The two young adults fall completely silent at the young girl's words and after a few moments, Bellamy quietly scoops her back up, nodding to Clarke to show that he's ready to follow her again. She spins on her heel and continues deeper into the forest with him just a few paces behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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