They're Doing It Again

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Author's Note: I decided to make this a bit longer than it originally was because why not? The OG versions will be posted in one "chapter" once I finish revamping them, so fear not if you liked those versions better.

[Originally published August 14, 2018]

[Edited February 12, 2024]


There they are... in their own little world again. Their conversation is heated, so they're probably talking about my life. With their faces barely inches apart, I can feel the sexual tension from three feet away. I know they like each other, but Clarke is mine. I did what I did for her.

Nobody notices the jealous stare-downs Bellamy and I have. He wants Clarke too and he could probably get her if I wasn't here. I figure he flirts with her when I'm not around.

I shake my head to rid myself of those gross mental images and focus on the conversation they're having. By the time I tune in, all I hear is Clarke saying, "I'll go with Finn."

I shoot Bellamy a triumphant smile and he rolls his eyes. He's about to walk away, but Clarke grabs his arm to prevent him from leaving. She goes on her tippy toes to reach his ear, but it's still not enough. He has to lean down to her height. There's a gentle joy in his face the moment she touches him and it leaves the second she stops.

Whatever she says to him makes him smile. The sight of them together makes my blood boil, so I ball my hands up and walk over to the wannabe love birds.

"Clarke! I can get the supplies with Bellamy!" I offer.

She looks over to me and keeps her poker face from slipping. "Sure Finn," is all she says and she doesn't acknowledge me any further.

Her agreement to my suggestion clearly annoys Bellamy and he tosses her a glare. She flashes him a cute, teasing smile that also says get along. Both of us stare at her as she leaves, but Bellamy turns away first.

"So Bellboy, I just want you to know that she's mine," I say with a smug smile playing on my lips.

He tenses up at the nickname and my claim but makes no move to hurt me. My confidence grows every second he stays quiet and I continue to aggravate him.

"That's cool with you, right? I'm the first and the last guy to kiss her, touch her..." I go on.

His knuckles go white from how tightly he had his hands balled up, but he mumbles something to himself and slowly begins to calm down. I can't have that, can I?

We walk by the majority of people and begin to go around the ship as a shortcut. I open my mouth to continue to push him, but in one quick move, he slams me up against the back of the ship and pins my hands.

"Look, Finn- I don't like you. I never have and I never will. I'm only helping you because you're important to Clarke and... Clarke... she's important to me," he bites out with his head lowered and eyes on the ground.

Anything I was going to say dies on my tongue and I watch him leave. He truly loves her. He loves her so much that he's risking his life for me to make her happy.

I'm being selfish. I'm still trying to have Clarke, but who am I kidding? After what I've done, she'll never look at me the same. She can barely look at me now and I see the way she softens for him, even if she doesn't know it. He'll do anything to keep her safe. The same undying devotion he has to his sister is something he also has for Clarke.

I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't notice everyone grouping back around me.

"Let's go," Raven orders before testing the fence.

We pass through un-electrocuted, agreeing to meet at the dropship. I go on my own path, every step somehow becoming heavier and heavier. Should I turn myself in? Should I kill myself in front of the grounders? What would be the best way to end this for everyone?

"Hey stranger," Clarke pops up behind me.

I startle. "Ah, I thought we were taking separate paths?"

"Not a chance," she smiles. I think some part of her knows what I'm considering.

"So, what's the plan? Go to. The dropship and hope the grounders just leave when they realise I'm not at camp?"

"We'll think of something. We always do," she reassuringly places her hand on my arm.

"I'm not su-" I hear the guttural war cry first and see the flash of movement second.

The grounder smashes Clarke in the head with a wooden club and time slows as I watch her crumple to the ground. There's no time to figure out if she's still alive and soon I'm barely dodging another attack, the club whizzing by my head. The grounder grabs me and flings me to the ground as if I weigh nothing, but I'm able to regain my bearings and get on my back, aiming my pistol at him.

"I don't want to kill you!" I scream. "Go, get out of here!"

The grounder hesitates before running off, most likely to warn the commander of my movement. I don't care though. I scoop up Clarke's limp body, breathing a sigh of relief when I feel a pulse and hear her breathing. Without much care for how obvious I am now, I book it the rest of the way to the dropship. Scorched bones snap under my boots as I walk to the entrance and through the plastic sheeting.

"What happened?" Bellamy immediately jumps into action, taking her from me and laying her down. "God, I need a bandage or something!"

Murphy is quick to find cloth he can use, handing it to a frantic Bellamy.

"We were attacked on the way here-"

"Finn, are you okay?" Raven's voice stops me from pacing.

"When she hit the ground... I thought she was dead," I turn to see Bellamy tentatively cleaning the blood off of her face, his fingers rubbing little, comforting circles on her arm as Murphy gently moves her hair to aid him. Even Murphy is more careful than I am.

"It's a bump on the head. Clarke's a big girl, she'll be okay..." Raven tries to reason with me, almost as if she can read my thoughts.

"...I could get you guys killed."

I now know what I have to do.

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